Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Small Treasure Tuesdays

After this last weekend, I feel compelled to participate again in Chantel's Small Treasures Tuesdays. My small treasure this weekend is actually a big treasure, my family. This last weekend, while T was partying it up with the boys, I went home to spend the weekend with my family. It was very reminiscent of my college days, packing up a bag and staying at my parent's for the weekend.

I got a nice home cooked meal on Friday night and had a slumber party with the Roo, who was staying the night with my sister since she had a work commitment the next morning. Roo and I played a little and cuddled on the couch. I read a few books to her and her stuffed animals, of course. We had a great night. Saturday morning, I got up with her, ate breakfast and watched cartoons before going shopping for Nainy's dress for the rehearsal dinner. She was quite helpful. I was impressed with the kid's style sense. "I don't like that dress. Oh that one is cute." We got her a dress for the rehearsal dinner for her, too. I spent the night with her and her mommy, playing Barbies until the wee hours of the night. It was a great time. I haven't played Barbies in forever.

Now, I do have a slight problem when talking with my nieces and nephews. I tend to be just a bit too real. Too honest. Case in point...I'm in the car with my parents and Roo. I start talking to Roo about how Nainy's not looking forward to her week. She goes "why?" I say "well, on Thursday, Nainy has a trial." She looks at me, obviously having no clue what I'm talking about and asks "what's a trial?" So I try to explain..."well, it's when Nainy gets all dressed up in a suit and she makes people say things they don't want to say on the stand." And she goes, "like what?" So I try a little more, "well, this one man is a sex offender..." That is when my parents stop the conversation. Hey, she was asking about what a trial was. I can only tell the truth. It's best she learns these things young....right?

God help me when I have children....

So anyway, I digress...my small blessing this week is my family. I love them all, and I'm glad I got to spend some great quality time with them this weekend.


  1. How funny about explaining the trial!

    Your family sounds amazing!

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend!

  3. Haha, her parents were probably horrified. I'm excited for you- I wish I could spend a weekend with my family!

  4. I used to be brutally honest with my nephew until my sister told me to only tell him what he would understand.
    I can't tell you how vital that advice is and how many MORE questions it avoids. Best advice ever.

  5. Ooh - you're the crazy truthful aunt.

    I love it.

  6. haha so funny!!
    You're right: family and friends are small treasures!

  7. Haha! I love this. I bet Roo was very confused.

    Family is a great treasure! Thanks for sharing :-) and participating in Small Treasure Tuesdays. You're the best

  8. you and i have soooo many things in common! I would have totally explained it the same exact way! :)


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