I have come across one of the most motivational blogs I have ever read, Marc and Angel Hack Life. If you've never gone to their blog, I highly recommend it. Today, I loved this quote from their post "12 things you should be able to say about yourself."
"Each of us has a fire in our hearts burning for something. It’s our responsibility in life to find it and keep it lit. This is your life, and it’s a short one. Don’t let others extinguish your flame."
So often I let the words that others say to me and the criticism they give me eat away at my happiness and derail me in following my heart. And gosh darn it, I need to stop that. Because it's getting me nowhere. I am my own worst critic and my biggest enemy. And unfortunately, in my life, I am surrounded by a great number of negative people, people who are unhappy in their own life and make it their mission to bring down others around them so that they, too, can feel bad about themselves. And for me, it works like a charm.
So I've been craving these little nuggets of motivation like nobody's business. And I've probably been driving my family and friends crazy posting these on my Facebook page. But...too bad. Don't read it. I just need that extra reminder from time to time. This is my journey towards becoming a better and happier person. It's a tough road, but I know it's all for the best in the long run.
On a side note, I am so unbelievably tired today it's not even funny. What T and I wouldn't give for a good night's sleep. I'm on my second cup of full-blown caffeinated coffee, and I hate to say that it's not doing the trick. My next step is sticking my finger in a light socket. Let's see if that does the trick...