So today, I'm taking off work. After two days this week of 10 plus hour long days, I'm resting with T and Aubrey. And picking up my packet and registration for the mini-marathon tomorrow. AND...guess what? Despite the drought we've had all freaking summer, mother nature will be screwing me tomorrow by raining. Walking 13.1 miles in the rain. Yes! I now hate you mother nature. So please pray that it doesn't rain between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Pretty please?
Anyway, I it's Spin Cycle time. Gretchen at Second Blooming has chosen "What I did on summer vacation" for this week's topic. My immediate reaction? What summer vacation? This summer has been a tough one work-wise. Nain has been all work and no play due to staff cuts and big events in our agency. But...I've tried my best to have a little fun at least this summer. So here it is...Nain's summer "vacation" (ha!):
On Father's Day weekend, we did manage to make it down to Bloomington and IU for a nice day on campus and at Oliver Winery. It was my first time introducing Miss Aubrey to the wonderful educational mecca that is known as Indiana University. It's good she see her future alma mater at a young age. You're never too young for excellence.
We also went on our very first family vacation to St. Louis the weekend of July 4th. Despite the 100 degree heat, we did have a lot of fun, exploring the Science Museum, taking Aubrey for her first dip in the pool and checking out the Budweiser brewery. (Yes, we brought our daughter to a brewery AND a winery. Don't judge!) We can't wait for our second family vacation next month!
We celebrated Aubrey's first Fourth of July by cheering Daddy on at his six mile race and with a visit to where we were engaged, on the anniversary of the day we were engaged. That was special for T and myself, as it is a tradition we go there, and this was the first year we had our little Aubrey go with us.
And we took Aubrey to her very first ball game! It was a beautiful evening and just so much fun to sit on a blanket and enjoy a nice night and a good game with my two favorite people. With it being so hot this summer we didn't get to go as much as we wanted to, but at least we made it to one game, and it was well worth it.
Other than those few excursions, we tried our very best to just spend time as a family and bond. Sure, the summer wasn't glamorous, but we did get to do some pretty fun things. Now, I look forward to the fall...we all know how much I love the fall: football season, cooler weather, pumpkin carving, trips to the apple orchard, and of course, the fall beer.
So stop by Gretchen's blog and see what other Spinners have to share about their summer vacations! And have a wonderful, long, Labor Day weekend! I'll be sure to post how I did in my race, rain or shine I WILL finish. Oh yes, I will finish.