Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New job update

I have been with the new job now for over two weeks, hence my lack of posts.  I've been really working hard to learn everything and adjust to this new normal.  I cannot really give details into what I am doing exactly I am doing, mostly because with this new job, a whole new level of confidentiality is needed and well...I try to keep those two realms separate.  But suffice it to say that it is completely different from what I was doing, very challenging, but I am really enjoying it so far.  So it is going very well.  I just have less time to do other things during the day, you know, like things I probably should not have been doing but did any way.  So writing is limited to my lunch hour which is normally spent working on freelance stories.  So I have been busy busy busy.

Last week was spent traveling for work, which only reminded me of one thing - I hate traveling in the winter.  Flights getting bumped back to the point where we've missed our connecting flight and have to switch flights and run through large airport terminals to make them.  We got there, and we got back.  But man...flying in winter?  It's for the birds.

You will have to stay tuned for the end of this week because guess who is turning 2 on Saturday?  And I have a special surprise in honor of her birthday to share with all of you.  She's very pumped, singing "happy birthday to me!" I cannot believe she's going to be two.  It is still just hitting me.  But I am pretty damn proud of what I created in honor of her birthday so come by on Friday!  She will always be my favorite Valentine's present ever.

Short update, I know,'s an update!


  1. I'm glad your job is going well!! Also can't wait to see what you are going to do for the big birthday! Yay!

  2. It's been a very hard winter to much bad weather for flying! I'm glad your job is going well, and I can't believe your little girl will be two! What a big milestone!

  3. If you are enjoying it, and the stress level has gone down, more power to you! Y'know, the problem for an old man like me is watching these kids grow up so fast. A co-worker brought his daughter in at lunchtime a couple days ago- about the same age as Aubrey. Darn near made me cry.


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