Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane

I have been dreading today for a while.   Today I’m leaving on a jet plane for a work trip to Washington, D.C.  I’ll be away from T and Aubrey for three whole nights, leaving this morning and returning on Saturday late afternoon.  While normally I’d be excited to visit our nation’s capital, and in the past, this would be my idea of a dream location for a work trip.  But…leaving Aubrey and T?  It makes me want to throw myself on the ground kicking “I don’t wanna go! I don’t wanna go!”  But, I have to do it. 
People keep saying I should enjoy the time just to myself, and I do plan on visiting a few people – my cousin and a dear friend of mine from law school – while in D.C., I will miss kissing those cute little cheeks and getting Aubrey kisses.  And I’ll miss lying next to Tat night and giving him a kiss before we fall asleep. 
I also feel really badly about leaving T to fend for himself with Aubrey for those three nights.  Sure, three of the four days she will be at daycare, but still…with the teething and us weaning her off of her pacifier compounded with separation anxiety, she can be quite the handful.  I’m sure by the time Saturday evening rolls around he’ll want to be like “here!” handing her over to me so he can get some peaceful moments to himself. 
But I have to think positive.  I’ll be learning a lot over these next few days at this conference, and I’ll be getting to catch up with old friends and see the city.  And I feel incredibly selfish for saying this, but I will be baby free at night for three nights.  I’ll miss her so much, but I should probably take advantage of that.  Now will I actually do this?  I’ll let you all take bets on that. 
I’ll be writing posts for Thursday and Friday ahead of time, so it’ll be like I never left at all! J


  1. Can I come too?? Please??? Please find a way to enjoy yourself, as hard as it is to leave it makes us all appreciate being together that much more. And really? This is good for all of you. T can build his confidence that he can do it, but really appreciate that he doesn't have to do it alone, Aubrey can learn that you always come back & that she still gets all of her needs met while you are away & you get to not only sleep (hopefully) but remember who YOU are without any of them. It's so easy to forget that as a momma. Find some fun, I promise it's out there! ; )

  2. Hope it goes by as quickly and as painlessly as possible!


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