Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Third Trimester

I am in the  home stretch....as of this week, I'm at 27 weeks and officially in my third trimester.  Of course, February 22nd still seems so far away, but nowhere as far away as it did in June when we first found out we were pregnant.  Lots of things going on, too....
So according to emails I get from TheBump.com, she's learning how to breathe this week...mostly amniotic fluid, but still, she's learning how to breathe and can open her eyes as well.  She's as big as an eggplant, though I swear she has to be bigger than that.  I feel absolutely ginormous.  Every morning it feels like she's just expanding.  It's a good thing, but at the same time, wow...takes some getting used to!  She's still quite the kicker, and I've started noticing her hiccups as well.  They feel like rapid-fire kicks.  She kicks a lot when Daddy reads to her at night, which is super sweet.  According to the doctors, she's also measuring right on target, which is super important because my heart condition can cause her to be smaller.  But not the case with Half-pint!  We get to see her again in another ultrasound next week to make sure she's still growing, and I can hardly wait to see how much she's changed since the last time we saw her a month ago. 
I was lucky enough to find out that I passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors, which was a huge relief because it was quite traumatic trying to get blood from me the day I took it.  So no 3 hour glucose test for me!  Last Tuesday, before we got the awful news, we did go to the cardiologist and I was told I could stop using my heart monitor and turn that back in (yay!).  My blood pressure was still up, so he doubled my medicine again.  I have to admit, I haven't taken any readings for about a week now.  I just felt that with all the stress of last week, any number wouldn't be too terribly accurate.  But I need to get back on that.  Hopefully things keep moving in the right direction!
Other than that...let's see...third trimester...well, I'm tired more often than I was in my 2nd trimester.  I find myself almost falling asleep at my desk at work.  Bad, Nain.  And the symptoms of the third trimester?  Ugh, can I just express my distaste for these?  Seriously...as if I didn't feel about as unsexy as humanly possible, I get these symptoms.  Having to pee every time I stand up.  Heartburn after every meal and randomly throughout the day.  (Tums is my new candy...)  "Digestive issues."  I have now become quite adept at burping, too.  Loud, manly burping.  Even worse than T.  And...sigh, I found my very first stretch mark on Saturday.  (Shudder)  I've done so well not having one.  Damn.  So yeah, I'm sexy and  I know it, folks.  Hot stuff coming through here. 
My solace lies in the fact that we only have 3 months left to go.  My job is to just keep her safe, keep her growing and keep my stress level as down as much as possible.  Oh and decorate the nursery, too.  Two showers coming up in December so I'm sure I'll have pictures to post as we get things put together! 
So that is your 27 week update!  Stay tuned for more!


  1. If you can handle it without adverse side effects, have you tried gum? It will take care of the heartburn without having to turn to the TUMS. :-)

  2. Ava was 10 days late, I got massive stretch marks about 3 days before she was born, it's kind of funny when you think about it! :)


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