Friday, April 20, 2012

Posting? What's that?

Man...I just saw that my last post was Tuesday.  Today being Friday, I feel kind of bad about that. I do have good reason, though.  This week has been my first week back to work and Aubrey's first week at daycare.  It's been an adjustment, to say the least.  Let me just saying that handing her off to her teachers in her room, walking away and getting in that car was so hard.  I thought I'd be better with it since I wanted to get out of the house and get back to work, but Aubrey and I had spent so much time together since her birth and leaving her was so much harder than I thought it would be.   I cried before we even left the room and then even more when we got to the car.  As much as I said I wouldn't be that mom,  I did call the room later that morning just to see how she was doing.  Not surprisingly, she did just fine.  So I've back off on calling them this week.  I could stop by and see her during the day, but I decided not to do that, as it would make leaving her again hard for me.  So I've decided not to do that. 
The only problem we are facing is how she acts when we get home.  The first day then we got home, you could just tell she was exhausted.  So she just cried and cried throughout dinner and her bath until we put her to bed.  Same thing for Tuesday, a little less on Wednesday and same on Thursday.  All you moms out there, please tell me this does get better.  It's such a bummer that we don't see her all day only to spend two hours with her in the evening and she fusses and cries during that entire time.  Plus, I just hate to see her so upset, little tears forming in her eyes and her bottom lip quivering.  Poor kiddo.  So I do hope she adjusts to this new normal, and of course, we'll keep her to this new schedule as much as we can to help along the way.
My first week back to work has been interesting, too, for reasons I can't go into.  Suffice it to say it hasn't been non-stressful.  And it feels like I never left.  Probably because I was doing work on my maternity leave...but....
I am off today, as is T.  We'll be taking little Miss Aubrey to her two month well-check.  I am totally not looking forward to this, as she receives her first series of boosters.  Luckily, T is coming with me.  The last appointment she got one shot, and when the nurse came in with the needle, she asked "ready?"  And I said no.  But I think she was talking about Aubrey. 
Because of how craziness of this week, T and I will be spending time just the three of us and being low key this weekend.  We need it.  Before the craziness of next week begins....
Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. First week back is hard for sure. It WILL get better - don't fret! Everyone is adjusting, especially Aubrey. At that same time, don't be afraid to alter schedules at school if it is not working. I would hope her teachers and the director would be open to helping figure out the right balance. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. it does get better! Promise. Sprite did the same thing when adjusting to a new schedule. Surprisingly, it also helped her sleep better at night. Within 2 weeks, she was waking up when we woke up and not before. I remember thinking how great it was to get seven uninterrupted hours. :-)


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