Friday, March 30, 2012

At least this is a post!

Where does the time go?  Seriously...where does the time go during the day?  I just looked at my blog here and realized it's been days since I've posted.  And I can't honestly recall why.  I know yesterday I was out and about, but still...I had time to write a post.  At least a small one.  But nope, nothing.  I've got nothing. 
I think it's the sleep deprivation.  And the demands of this adorable six week old...

Don't let that adorable smile fool you.  She is not always that easy going.  I caught this smile while she was checking out her ceiling fan.  (She LOVES looking at the ceiling fan)  But during that day, those smiles are out numbered by the cries for food, attention and dirty diapers.  (Of course, the smiles do make it all worth it.) 

But what I'm trying to say is it's hard to find time to have my hands free so that I can type.  Most of the comments I write on other's blogs are typed out with one finger as I hold Aubrey in my other hand.  It takes a lot longer than normal typing, let me tell you...but at least I leave comments!  I would like to blog a little bit more.  Maybe I should find time to do it when she's napping...we're still working on that sleep schedule thing, so maybe once she starts doing a little better with that I'll have some spare time on my hands to write?  Or sleep?  Which should I do?  I'm going with sleep. 

Sorry for this rambling post here...this is Nain at 6:00 in the morning coming up with not much to say.  But...I did a post!  So that's important, right?

TGIF everyone!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Post another picture like this next month and I'll forgive you for not posting until then too! She's beautiful!


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