Monday, January 7, 2013

Motivation Monday!

Motivation Monday

Seriously not wanting to get back into it this week.  Seriously don't.   My "to-do" list is a mile long, and deadlines are looming.  It's annoying.  But nothing I can do about it.  So my motivation this week is to keep my focus and keep my sanity.  Must...get...everything..done.

I'm not really good about this during the day.  I come into the week with high hopes, sure.  I'll make my lists of what I need to get done that day.  But then I'm distracted very easily..."squirrel!"  Oh, shoot, I need to email this person.  So I'll start the email, come up with one other thing I need to do, stop the email but leave the window open and do the other thing.  It's exhausting.  And confusing.  And I get nothing done. 

So this week, I need to be a little more self-disciplined.  Focus that motivation that I give towards my weight loss and do the same with other stuff.  Work, specifically.  There are only five days in this week, and I really would rather not have to drag work into the weekend.  Because that's no fun. 

But in all seriousness, I really would rather this past weekend continue.  It was a fun one, spent with friends and just relaxing, playing with Aubrey.  No stress, just fun.  And who wants to come back from all of that? 

Here's another blogger who could use some motivation this week!  Ali @ A Coffeeqween's Life


  1. I admit, I'm so lazy, I am never motivated. But don't be like me - you can do it!

  2. I'm motivated myself. I make lots of lists at work, but never at home. I need to get on top of things for the happy home life this week. We can do it!


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