Monday, September 24, 2012

Motivation Monday time

Motivation Monday

It's Monday again, and I'm not going to lie....I'm feeling a bit grouchy this morning.  I'm not really wanting to do much, it's cold, my bed was warm, and we weren't home at all this weekend.  So that equals one grouchy Nain.  (And T and Aubrey, actually - I don't think any of us were feeling it this morning.)  But oh well...another week, here we come!

I actually did manage to get out of bed at 5:30 this morning (despite Aubrey's crying at midnight) and jogged for 30 minutes.  My motivation this week is to burn off the damage done this weekend.  We went to a friend's wedding on Saturday, and well....I didn't eat too healthy, and there was an open bar, yeah.  And yesterday we were at my parent's house, and despite my best efforts, it's never all that healthy when we eat there.  So I'm getting back on the wagon today and have started my day off with a smoothie, and I'm doing okay so far. 

Last week I was actually down a total of eight pounds from my starting weight, so that is encouraging.  I'm getting to the point where my preggo pants are falling off.  I am scared to try on my pre-pregnancy pants or dresses because the last time I did that, it was so disheartening.  But maybe this weekend I need to take that leap and see how they feel now. 

Oh, and yesterday I was going crazy because I was feeling not so well from our night out (open bar), so I was staying away from the sauce.  And that resulted in me getting "are you pregnant?" questions.  No, people.  I drank the night before, so of course I'm not pregnant.  God, could you imagine?  I don't think I'm ready to head back down that road for a bit.  Let's just enjoy life where it is now. 

So I'm getting of course here, but that's my motivation for the week...what's yours?  Here's to a not-so-bad Monday!  And a quick week, too!
Ali at A Coffeqween's Life 


  1. How did you do with leaving Aubrey?!! Sounds like it all went ok. I'm glad you let loose and allowed yourself the indulgence of the weekend. So often diets/lifestyle changes fail bc we make the change so absolute and feel like failures if we slip. Allowing the occasional indulgence will help you stay on track! My motivation this week are my kids and my return to work. You can read about it at

  2. I am motivated to get back on the treadmill this week! Last week's cold and now lingering cough have left me a bit lethargic. Now if I look at the treadmill, I get winded. :-?
    Great job on the loss so far though!


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