Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The joys of lactose intolerance

One of the banes of my existence is the fact that I have lactose intolerance. It took me years to figure out that I did, mostly because as a kid, my parents didn’t believe me when I said milk made me sick and my doctor never diagnosed said condition, but…that’s besides the point. As soon as I was in high school and college, I put two and two together and life hasn’t been the same ever since.

Yes, there are much worse things that one can be afflicted with, and this is small in comparison to my heart condition, but it’s still a major pain.

I hate having to tell people what exactly happens with lactose intolerance, but suffice it to say it’s not pleasant. Poor T didn’t know what he was getting himself into until I got really sick this last Valentine’s Day when I made him this special dinner with heavy cream, and despite taking my Lactaid I was in such pain and couldn’t sit up straight for 24 hours that I had to call in sick to work. It was awful. So now he knows what he gets to deal with for the rest of his life, lucky man.

When I was a kid, they didn’t have the medicine they have now, like Lactaid, to help you digest dairy. Yes, they had nondairy alternatives to food. For instance, when we would get ice cream, I’d always get sherbet because it didn’t make me sick, but I never really realized that hey, this is because I can’t stomach milk! My parents would try anything they could to get me to drink milk. They would get chocolate syrup and make me sit at the table until I finished my chocolate milk. (I know, child abuse, I’ve already told my parents that if the statute of limitations hadn’t run on this, I’d totally pursue it…) Since I wasn’t getting calcium they had to resort to other means of getting that. I couldn’t swallow those horse pills they give you for calcium supplements, though I take them now, and the chewable ones tasted like chalk so they had to give me calcium at any chance they could. Did you know that Rolaids has calcium? And Tums? Guess how I know how I know this? Oh, because this was what I had to take every morning to get my calcium. Yuck. I still can’t stand the stuff. But my stomach acid had to have been great as a child, right?

Now I’m used to having lactose intolerance, but it’s still a pain. I love pizza, and I can eat it but only with Lactaid (take two pills before eating). I get frozen yogurt and sherbet only. I use dairy free creamer with my coffee. I eat yogurt cheese with my sandwiches at lunch. It’s truly a pain. Where it has particularly become annoying has been with wedding planning. One thing I’m adamant about with our menu is that the menu needs to be milk free. No way am I going to have any stomach “issues” the day of my wedding, not while I’m in that huge white dress. We’ve done pretty well so far, except for the cake. The cake is made with cream. So…that means I have to take Lactaid before eating the cake. So I’m trying to envision how this is supposed to play out. Is T supposed to feed me the Lactaid and then feed me my first bite of cake? Or could he just stick the pill in the cake and I take it together? Either way, doesn’t it sound romantic?

I only hope that once we have children, I don’t pass this onto my children. I want them to know the joy of dairy and not be forced to chew Rolaids and dip your Oreos in Iced Tea as a child just because you can’t handle the milk.  Because, come on, that just isn't the same...


  1. Oh man! I SO feel your pain! I hated milk as a child too and no one believed me either that it made my stomach hurt. Of course when we were really little it didn't bother me as much because our mom (to save money) used to mix "real" milk with powdered milk and water to make it go further. Talk about some NASTY stuff. YUCK...

    And two of my three girls are lactose intolerant but even though I had it, I didn't realize that was what it was until SHE was diagnosed when she was about 6 years old.

    My youngest has her own special name for the ensuing stomach problems from dairy. She calls it "bubble guts." She'll say... oh no... I got the bubble guts! LOL I mean, not funny but at least she has a sense of humor about it!

  2. I'm there with you! Sounds like mine is not as serious as yours, though. If I take one Lactaid, I can enjoy ice cream and pizza with light cheese. I hate milk and most cheeses, though, so I'm usually taking the cheese off my pizza anyway. My daughter has it now. It was so obvious when I started noticing her keeling over in pain. I know that feeling, and I immediately self-diagnosed her with lactose intolerance just because I understand her pain.

    No fun, but you're right - it could be worse.

    For your wedding, just ride with it. Either put it in the cake for your first bite or have T give it to you. I think that sounds cute and romantic all at the same time because he's accepting you for who you are and showing he is beside you through everything - even lactose intolerance!

  3. I completely laughed out loud about the wedding cake scenario. You are hilarious.

  4. Please have him feed you the pill before the cake! haha Is it really that immediate to take it just before eating? Make a bridesmaid in charge of slipping you your pill between the ceremony and reception that way you won't worry about it and you still get to have cake!

    I too hope your future children won't have to dip their oreos in tea. So sad...

  5. I remember a brief time of Sprite having lactose intolerance which I prayed would relieve itself since I couldn't picture not having ice cream for the rest of my life. Luckily, she got over it as she matured into toddlerhood and I was able to haul out the scooper once more.
    One thing I hope she doesn't get? My migraines. Oy!

  6. Aw, I can relate with T :-) Michael is lactose intolerant as well. Only his isn't quite as bad.

    Actually, I heard a doctor say before that everyone is lactose intolerant to an extent, because our bodies are not made to have so much lactose... anyway, it's interesting. But most people don't have it as serious as you do, so they don't realize it.

  7. Even though it's funny what you say about the wedding cake...
    I'm sorry you're suffering from lactose intolerance. It is a real pain :(
    Hope you can enjoy your wedding cake, though!

  8. Oh my gosh, hahahah, I can't believe they tried to force you to drink milk! That is so sad.

    My husband's friend and his (at the time) new wife came to visit us last year and I'd made this eggplant feta dip for them. She was eating it and kept complimenting me on how good it was and finally asked, "What's in it?" And when I said eggplant and FETA, this look of pure horror washed over her face and she had to RUN upstairs to the bathroom ... I felt so, so awful. (Hahha, probably something like your parents feel.)

    Love your blog!

  9. You're preaching to me girl!! I have it to and it is so painful without the lactaid pills!!

    Can't wait to hear about your wedding, 3 days!!!

  10. I am pretty sure I would cry if I was lactose intolerant! Like seriously, I would be so bummed! Now I'm not eating it by choice, but if it made me sick? Yeah... that would suck.

    But seriously? You are getting married so soon, and I am so excited for you!!


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