Friday, September 3, 2010

Momma always told me I was special....

One of the things that people keep telling T ever since we started dating is how perfect a match we are for each other and how “it takes a special kind of person to handle Nain’s quirks.” My sister told him this about 9 months into our relationship.  This was even a part of my Dad’s toast T referenced in his guest blog. While I appreciate everyone’s acknowledgement of my special individuality, part of me has to laugh because I never really thought I was that quirky of a person…that is, until I really started to think about it. And damn, I kind of am a quirky person....
We’re all different and unique, each in our own right, but yes, I do have my quirks. Aside from my normal moodiness and short temper, I do have my quirks.  And yes, T should be nominated for sainthood for putting up with my quirks on a daily basis. I’m well aware of it, and I will admit my idiosyncrasies. So for fun, I’m just going to let you in on my little world…you’ll have a whole new respect for T when you’re done:

I have cleaning A.D.D. This drives T nuts. When it’s just me cleaning the entire house, I can’t stay focused on more than one task for too long. Example: I’ll start cleaning the bathroom by clearing all of the stuff off of the sink counter and putting it aside and spray some 409 on it. Then I’ll leave the room and start a load of laundry. While I’m in that area where the washer/dryer and kitchen are, I’ll notice that the dishes that were drying are now dry and need to be put away so I’ll do that. Then I’ll start dusting, and then I’ll remember that I started the bathroom so I’ll go back to that and so on. It makes no sense whatsoever, but wouldn’t you know it, that house is spotless in less than two hours. And I’m exhausted.

I have A.D.D. when doing other tasks, too, like filling out a form. When we were out to breakfast and I was filling out the DJ form for later that night, I drove T bonkers by starting at one blank and then moving to another blank at the bottom of the page and then back to the top and then one to the middle. I can’t focus my mind long enough to just do the form in order. I’m like this when I have to fill out those patient forms at doctor’s offices, too.   But what does it matter if the thing gets filled out eventually, right?

I’m organized when it comes to work but not when it comes to my personal life. My closet is a wreck, my drawers are just stuffed full of clothes with no organization. The kitchen cabinet organization makes no sense, as does neither the pantry or the fridge. T is always telling me we need to go through it, and I know I do…it just seems too daunting. Hell, you should see my file cabinet at home!   Post wedding, that is a task I plan to tackle with T and then pass the job along to him to maintain it because God knows the damage I will do.

Let’s see others…oh, my car….so, you’ll find random things in my car on any given day. Since I’m in the legal profession and transport files to and from places, you’ll randomly find pens, binder clips and paper clips all over the place. And random items of clothing and shoes because sometimes when I head out to work, I worry in the back of my mind that the shoes will make my feet hurt by the end of the day, so I’ll throw a spare pair in the back. Then I forget said spare pair is in the back and I’ll do it again. Eventually, I’ll end up with a couple pairs of random workout shorts in the back along with five pairs of flats and one pair of flip flops like I did the other weekend (I brought all of these in the house last weekend and now we just have a pair of flip flops back there). T says when he’s heading to work, sometimes he’ll look in the back of my car and just shake his head at what he sees. 

I’m scared of finding bugs in the bedroom and in the bed so before we go to bed, I will look under the pillows and sheets and do a perimeter check on the walls to make sure there are no spiders. I will turn the light back on if I lay down and haven't done this just so I can do it.  Weird, yes, but I have my reasons. My old apartment when I was on my own was bug rampant, and I would often find bugs on my ceiling in the middle of the night, and it freaked me out. I can spot the tiniest of spiders a mile away. I’m that good.

I will nuke my food regardless of how warm it is. It has to be hot. We had dinner the other night in the crock-pot, and the food was steaming on my plate, and I still stuck it in the microwave. I’ll leave the dinner table to go back to the kitchen and nuke it for 10 more seconds if I’m not satisfied with the heat level of my food.  Every day I do this.

When in the car, I cannot stay on a radio station for more than 1-2 songs. I will change it constantly because I grow bored easily. I’ll even do this when I’m not conscious. When I got my wisdom teeth out my senior year of high school, my mom said that I was changing the stations on her radio when I wasn’t even awake due to the drugs they used to put me under. I must have been aware enough to know a crappy song when I heard one, though!
I don’t like going to movies or concerts that much because I get bored too easily. I’ll go to them, don’t get me wrong, but just to humor T because I know he loves them. But personally, I don’t get that excited about them.  I just don't like them.  What's wrong with me?

Constantly brushing my hair like Marsha Brady is another quirk of mine. I always have to have a brush on hand in my purse or near me in my office because if I feel like my hair is getting all knotted up or doesn’t look good, I have to brush. It’s become second nature to me, and when I do lose my hair brush and don’t have one all day, part of me just feels lost.

So yes, these are my quirks…and in no particular order of significance, and honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. But I do love that T loves me because of my quirks and not despite my quirks. That’s what makes him so special.


  1. i think we all have our own little quirks. at least you have a very clean apartment!!

  2. I'd worry more about the person who has no quirks (or claims to have none) than the person who has some! Really we are all quirky in our own ways. It's the beautiful part of being human & finding our way through life.

  3. Eh, I'd say you seem pretty normal to me. My son has a collection fo shoes in the back of my car. He likes to take his shoes off when he gets in the car (don't ask me why) and of course that's where they lay until I get tired of them all.

  4. I loved this post, Nain!
    It's funny and romantic at the same time :)
    I think we all are quirky.
    I'm so different filling out forms! I have to fill them out in order! Otherwise, I'll forget to note something down.

  5. LOL at all of your "quirks." We've all got them. And hey, as long as your apartment gets clean somehow, and you get your food eaten, that's all that matters, right?

  6. You are so funny! I love this post. It's great. I have weird quirks too, but yours are all new to me :-) I should try that with cleaning though, it sounds like it would get done faster...

  7. cute! great-looking blog, too! found you on BF. nice to meetcha!

  8. I laughed out loud at this! You are such a great writer and your quirks are really cute! I'm the same way with cleaning and with the car. I always have a "spare" black suit outfit though in my car for those unexpected legal/business meetings.

  9. Neat blog. Funny quirks! I know I CANNOT sleep if I think there might be a bug in the bedroom.

    as for the hairbrush...Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.

  10. I don't think that quirks are inherently difficult to put up with. Rather, they are the things that make people interesting!!!

  11. You have the coolest quirks in the world.
    Mainly because they are practically identical to mine.
    Quirks are important, because otherwise we are boring. And no one likes boring.

  12. Quirk-tolerance is a critical ingredient in any relationship. That said, if I lived with you I might just have to kill you ; )

    What would be cool is if your fella were to post a follow-on post describing HIS quirks that drive YOU bonkers!

  13. That's okay Nain, we all love you too :)

  14. That's hysterical :) I do the same thing with cleaning....I am ALL over the place - but in the end, it gets done!!
    Found you on Follow Friday on BlogFrog! Will continue to read your blog - very clever :)

  15. AWESOME!!! My boo and I always talk about our quirks so we can kinda prepare each other for later lol The more quirks you have, the more you are really being yourself around him ;D

  16. I love all your quirks! It's the flaws that make you shine.


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