Friday, April 8, 2011

When did this happen?

I turn 30 in just a few weeks.  I try not to think about it, and yes, for those of you who are older than 30, I'm sure you're thinking "30 isn't old!"  But sometimes I do feel body doesn't recover from hard workouts as easily as it used to, my medicine cabinet resembles one of an 80  year old (medical conditions don't help with that for sure), and the ability for me to stay awake past 10:00 p.m., even on weekends is become more and more difficult.

So, I ask....when did this happen?

Another side effect of getting older?  The whole getting domesticated thing.

We get excited about staying home on a Saturday night and trying out a new recipe.

Going to Home Depot is a weekly thing.  Picking out blinds and light fixtures for the new home = fun.

We're excited about our new kitchen.  Talking about silestone counter tops and our new appliances is something we find entertaining. 

My idea of a good night out with friends is a dinner party in. 

I get excited about buying seasonal decorations for the house.  And not just Christmas - we're talking Easter, Thanksgiving, and St. Patrick's Day. 

I have more, but my tired mind can't think of any.  Needless to say, the girl who liked to go out every weekend and stay out late at the bars, the girl who couldn't even cook Hamburger Helper properly and took THREE tries to get Easy Mac right...that girl?  She wouldn't even recognize this person I have become. 

But I'm not so sure that's a bad thing....3 more weeks until the big 3-0!



  1. I have learned the same thing. Though I still like going out with hubby to dance I am a homebody at heart

  2. Seriously...your 30s will be your best decade yet. I promise. Your 20s is about fun and discovering yourself. And then something happens when you hit the big 3-0. I call it confidence. Little by little you let yourself shine. Just you wait!

  3. All those effects of getting "older" are all the things I love! Good for you for finding the beauty in aging. :-)

  4. I turn 28 in two weeks, and it seems awfully close to 30. I don't really feel all that domesticated, though. Maybe I'll give it another two years...

  5. I turned 30 last December. I know exactly what you're talking about, but not from me. I see it in all my friends. I am left feeling like they either sold out or left me behind. Granted, I was never a party girl, so I never had to transition out of that. But, I still don't like to sit at home and would much rather go out than stay home and find a recipe. Dunno. I do, however, know my mother had more trouble accepting my birthday than I did. ;-)

  6. What's wrong with anything you've described? I love an evening in with just John and the kid! I sometimes force myself to have a cocktail just so I can really let go.
    But once you get settled in the house, you'll find yourself going out again once in a while. And when kids come, those nights out will be less, but more special. :-)

  7. It's like you're living my life, pal. Seriously. The little things in life have become the most exciting, most interesting part of it for me. Nothing wrong with that!

    And the 30's are awesome - join us there! ;)

  8. Must be time to have a kid! They spice things up just perfectly & keep you young...sort of. :)

  9. Haha, I find those things fun too! :-P I don't think that it is entirely to do with your birthday coming up, but also being married. You've opened a new chapter, and now that you have found your other half in T the little things are so much more enjoyable and precious. It's a good thing I think :-)

    But maybe I just think that to make myself feel better for being a little boring. LoL

  10. I just turned 50 and I'm still trying to figure when this happened!


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