Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pregnancy brain

When we first got pregnant, I read everything possible online or in books on what to expect.  I'm not one of those girls who likes to just fly by the seat of her pants.  Nope, I have to know my facts, know what's coming.  And I kept reading about pregnancy brain.  Forgetfulness, mixing things up, not being able to focus.  Sure, sure...some women might have that problem, but not me. I have my stuff together...I won't be that bad.  Right? 

Wrong.  Fail.  Completely off the mark. 

Nain's brain has officially left the building.  This week was living proof of that. 

I seriously don't know where my mind has gone lately.  It's like this week something was just switched off.  I can't focus, concentrate or be productive at all.  I keep making mistakes on things that normally I would be so on my game with....and big mistakes, too.  Embarrassing mistakes.

It's gotten to the point where T no longer really likes for me to drive anywhere.  I just zone out or don't pay attention.  I mean, sure I'm not a hazard on the road or anything, but I'm not exactly a shining beacon of safety. 

Talking in complete sentences? Not so easy.  I try to tell someone something at work, and I mix up my words or forget what I'm saying.  I sound like the female version of Yoda half the time.  God help me with some of the radio interviews I'll have coming up for a local work event.  I might need someone to come with me just so I sound somewhat intelligent. 

Please...moms out there...tell me that it does go back.  I like to pride myself on being together for the majority of the time.  And now?  Yeah...not so much. 



  1. So you mean pregnancy brain does really exist?!
    Now, I'm scared.
    How will I be able to translate texts without messing everything up ?

  2. I brought in donuts today for my coworker and her b-day isn't until Tuesday. Oopsy. I'm waiting for it to get worse....

  3. Pregnancy brain does go away, for a while things are great. Then we fall into mama brain. Mama brain is inevitable unless you are a hardhearted woman. It's not quite as bad as pregnancy brain because forced concentration is possible. I don't mind mama brain because it's really mama's heart. Sometimes it gets in the way of sleep, even when baby isn't a baby, even when kidlet is an adult, but I still don't mind it as much as I did pregnancy brain.


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