Thursday, January 5, 2012

Slacker, slacker...

Yeah, that's me...the girl who can't seem to do a post daily like I have every intention of doing.  But I have good reason!  I've been super busy working on reports, etc., for work, things that need to be done before little Miss Half-pint arrives.  So it's not like I'm not doing anything. But still...sorry to leave you hanging! 
This week has just been one of those weeks.  Poor, T....he had a huge work presentation this morning, and that meant lots of late nights at work this week getting ready for it.  Last night was particularly late...he didn't get to leave until 7:30 p.m., and by the time he got home, it was well past 8.  I hate when we each have to eat separately like that.  I told T it sucked eating dinner alone, to which he replied that I wasn't alone...Half-pint was there with me.  Well, she's not much of a conversationalist!  I just miss my husband this week.  But the good news is he got through it, and things should slow down this week.  Until next week, of course.  Ha
If that wasn't stressful enough for him, he was also worried about my second non-stress test today with Half-pint.  Ever since the doctors muttered that word I will not repeat, we both get super anxious about whether she's moving enough and what that means.  And of course, the non-stress test was to start right when he was presenting.  So we had a code that I would text him 3 times in a row if something was wrong.  I didn't need to text him, thankfully, because she passed the test with flying colors.  We keep doing these weekly until about three weeks from now when we start doing them twice a week.  It sucks that T can't go to all of them with me, so keeping my fingers crossed we never have to use that emergency "code." 
Mommy has been working from home the past two days, taking it easy and getting lots of work done.  I'm finally following doctor's orders and actually going easier on myself.  It only took 33 weeks, right? 
Here's hoping these next two days go by smoothly and here's to a relaxing weekend ahead!  I think we all three need it!


  1. Okay, I am hoping this next month sails by quickly so Half-pint can come and you can relax!

  2. Glad to hear you are slowing down! You are in the HOME STRETCH now!! Yay!!

  3. Glad you can work from home - always helps to relax a bit and feel productive. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. About time to start taking things easy! ;) Enjoy that lady... life is about to change in some VERY big ways!

  5. I'm so glad Half-pint is doing okay!!
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!


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