Tuesday, September 18, 2012

On this day....

"To have and to hold"
Two years ago today, I married my best friend.  I stood before God, my family and friends and pledged my life and my love to T for the rest of our lives.


"In good times and in bad"

It's been quite a journey so far.  But we've walked this road together.   It hasn't been the straightest of roads.  We've had our bumps, been thrown some curves, driven through some beautiful valleys, together.  As a team.  Because that's what we pledged to each other that day two years ago.  We became one that day, and we face the world together. 

"For richer, for poorer"

We've taken some chances, buying our very first home just months into marriage.  Our home, to start a family.  It's taken some sacrifices on the way, but we've done it together.

"In sickness and in health"

We've stood together through everything - this past year alone has been a test of our strength as a couple.  But our faith and our love brought us through, and we came out stronger on the other side.  And before we knew it, two became three.  But we are still one - one team.

"Till death do us part"

We are in it for the long haul.  When I said forever, I meant forever.  It's amazing what just two years of marriage have brought us, and it's hard for me to even imagine what blessings and changes lie ahead of us.  But I can't wait.  No matter what tomorrow brings, no matter what challenges we face, I have my partner for life with me.

So happy anniversary to the one person who makes my world complete.  Two years ago, I stood on that altar thinking that there was no way I could love you any more than I did that day.  And two years later, I fall in love with you a little bit more every single day.  I love you, T!



  1. Love this! Happy anniversary to you both!

  2. Very nice post, love it. Happy Anniversary!!

  3. It's been an exciting two years hasn't it? Happy anniversary!!


  4. A beautiful post! Happy Anniversary! (and LOVE that song by the way)


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