Wednesday, April 20, 2011

No rest for the weary

This move has taken a toll on my sanity, and it reached a fever pitch yesterday.  I've kind of lost my mind.  I'd say it's time for Nain to take a vacation, but that would only be possible if I had vacation days to use...but the following things did happen yesterday.

One of my coworkers approaches me in the copy room and says "hey, aren't you turning one year older next week?"  I turn to her and go "I am?  When?"  I then have to walk over to the calendar to look at next week in order for me to realize "oh yeah...I guess next Thursday is my birthday.  Huh.  Wait, Easter is this weekend?  When did that happen?"  Where am I?  What's my name?  Did I really just need to look at a calendar to realize when my birthday was?  (I'm turning 30....not memory shouldn't be going so quickly!)

Driving home, I'm thinking of the millions of things T and I need to get done at our house - last night, I needed to go to the gym, cook dinner, grocery shop, shower and somehow find time to relax.  Not to mention the island of boxes we have in our kitchen right now.  So I'm sitting at the light, waiting for it to turn green so I can go straight.  The green arrow goes on, so what do I do?  Just head right through that red light.  Thank God no one was turning left across the street from me or there would have been an accident.  And if there was a police officer there honestly I would have just said "yeah, that was totally on me.  I have no idea why I did that."  Just tired, I guess.  But I just can't focus.

We did end up going grocery shopping last night (T drove, per my request after I didn't pay attention to yet another red light), and as we were unpacking groceries, I tried to put the bag of frozen fish under our sink where we keep our dish soap.  Why?  I don't know. 

Heading up to bed, I asked T if he turned off the blinds.  He goes "do you mean did I close them?"  Yes, of course, that's what I meant.  I can't be responsible for putting words together into coherent sentences. 

Nain needs some rest.  Stat.


  1. Awwww you poor thing!
    I hope you can have some rest soon!!
    Lots of hugs!!
    {another hug}
    {and a HUGE hug}

  2. OMG I have so done that with the green turn arrow. BTW, nothing a little sleep or caffeine won't fix!

  3. I've been running stop signs lately. I think I'm going to blame the birthday/getting older absentmindedness syndrome.

  4. That's what I'm like all the time, so I sympathize!

  5. I've so been there! It seems like you have gone as far as you can and now you are just running on fumes. :)

  6. I feel like I can totally relate to this. Just wait until you have a baby, your brain goes into this weird state where it just doesn't work like it used to, mommy brain they call it. They add in the no sleep you get with an infant and YIKES!!

    I hope you get some rest soon so you can feel all back to normal, that should help you tackle all the things to come, unpacking, Easter, & birthday celebrations! :)

  7. Oh Nain! I hope you get to catch up on sleep over the weekend! I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel though... Thank goodness T could do the driving later ;-)


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