Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Side note: additional confession

So I'm doing my 3rd vlog to answer the rest of your questions later today, but for now...I have an addendum to my confessions yesterday.  Have you ever heard of the site  If not, it's EVIL.  For those like me who worry about every freaking thing, their community message boards give me a perfect chance to read about every worst case scenario possible.  Towards the beginning of our pregnancy, I spent more time than I care to admit reading about women who have lost their babies, the scary possibility that I could miscarry my child, so much so that T put a moratorium on my reading from The Bump because he saw no good can come from it.  So I tried.  (Though I'll admit, I still looked from time to time.)
Well, now that I'm in my 2nd trimester, I have relapsed.  I'll admit it.  I've gone back to the message boards.  (Shame, shame)  But again, no good can come from this.
On a side note, as an attorney and a chronic worrier, you have to understand...I have to know all my odds.  All possibilities, and that includes worst case scenarios.  I don't know what I'm doing, since this is my first pregnancy after all, so I must educate myself.  And that's getting me in trouble. 
Well, with my  heart condition, I have to get a c-section to avoid pushing and straining my heart.  Surgery.  I haven't had surgery since I was a wee little baby, and well...I'm scared.  Freaked out.  I keep having dreams that I die in surgery.  I'm totally scared.  So, in my genius, I came across an article yesterday titled "Things that they don't tell you about C-sections," which was about what actually happens in the surgery room.  Suffice it to say, I'm even more freaked out.  Oh. My.  God. 
I emailed this article to T who immediately responded that I was to get off that site immediately.  That I should get this information from my doctor and not some random site.  But I couldn't help my curiosity.  I needed to  know.  Now I regret that I did. 
So that's my second confession.  Nain is freaked out.  Isn't there some super easy way to remove the baby from my uterus when it's time? 
Be back later today with my vlog!  Happy Hump Day!


  1. Seriously - don't ever, ever go back there.

    In other news, you will be just.fine. I'm sure of it. Countless, countless women have C-sections and are just fine. Don't get caught up in the particulars or the what-ifs.

    And by the way? Don't go back there. Yes. I said it again. You don't need it.

  2. Since you have to know the odds, then think of all the things that could go wrong and plan for them. This helps me. Both of us are 70 years old so I have already planned what I will do if hubby passes before I do.

  3. I totally understand. We aren't even trying yet (though we might start trying soon) and I'm already reading books to get an idea of what to expect. But remember to look at all the positive things that could happen too! For every scary thing you read, read two happy things :)

    I agree with MrsJenB, just because it happened to someone else DOES NOT mean it will happen to you. I'll keep you in my prayers, but I'm sure you'll be just fine!


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