Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mousegate 2010, Part Deux

Back when I first started this blog, I told you about our trials and tribulations with Mousegate 2010 (invasion of a mouse in our kitchen throughout the month of February).  We were never able to actually trap the mouse, but with the help of Terminex, we plugged all the "holes" where he could get in, and we haven't seen or heard from any rodent since then.
Until this last week. 
Thursday night, as I'm dozing off to sleep, T hears some scratching behind the wall.  I wasn't conscious at this point, and apparently when he pointed it out to me, I said "it'll be there in the morning....go to bed..."  But I then woke up at 3:00 a.m. and heard it myself and totally freaked out.  I thought him telling me about it at 11 was just a dream.  A bad dream at that, but nope, there was something in our wall.  It was creepy as hell.
Flash to last night...around 1:00 a.m...T wakes me up because he hears the thing scratching on the tiles in our master bath (the master bath is actually open to our bedroom with no door so for all intents and purposes, the thing was in our bedroom).  I heard it clear as day.  It sounded like it was chewing on something, and it was pretty loud, meaning the thing was close.  We laid there, terrified, not sure what to do.  T said he'd look up how to trap a wild animal, or we could sleep in the other room.  I didn't want to leave the bed for fear the thing would jump out and bite my legs.  (It was like that game we used to play when we were kids, when we pretended the floor was hot lava and you had to jump from object to object to get around.)  Needless to say we had to do something.  We head to the kitchen, and T gets his huge flashlight (police issued flashlight...this thing could kill a mouse if you hit it hard enough), and I grab the nearest blunt object I could find, which was our Kitchenaid frying pan.  So here's T, at 1:30 in the morning, quietly walking to our dark bathroom, flashlight in hand, with me following in tow, holding my frying pan like I was going to beat it to death as soon as it jumped out.  We didn't find it, though.  I think we scared it back into its hiding place.  We couldn't sleep a wink the rest of the night, though, because every noise sounded like it had come back out again.  Such an icky feeling. 
Now, disclaimer....I'm not normally such a violent person.  But I consider my home to be a hostile territory to outsiders, specifically rodents.  If you enter my bedroom when I'm sleeping, I don't care how cute and fuzzy you are, you're going down mouse/squirrel/chipmunk.  This isn't a fairy tale, and I'm pretty damn sure the mouse isn't there to sew me a beautiful dress and clean my kitchen, so watch out buddy.
Our landlord is here as I type this, up in the attic with T, trying to see if we can find it.  He seems to think that it's a squirrel.  That doesn't instill confidence in me at all because squirrels are wild animals and carry diseases. 
So it looks like we have Mousegate (a.k.a. Rodentgate) 2010, Part Deux.  This's personal....


  1. WTH was it about Thursday night? We've been mice free since last winter and then BAM the scratching in the wall. Ugh. A squirrel would freak me out more. Not sure why, but I think just the size increase. Hubs would need some fail safe plan because I'd be hopeless.

  2. I'm telling you - move to Alaska!

    We don't have this problem! :)

  3. I would be freaking out! I don't know if I would be able to sleep...

    Are the ants taken care of at least?

  4. Ugh! Hope the little guy (or gal) knows whats best and gets out of your house!


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