Monday, November 1, 2010

Finding some motivation....

Pre-wedding, I was so fired up about working out and eating right.  I was busting my butt because I had a look good in that dress.  Now that the big day has come and gone, I'm afraid so has my motivation.  Don't get me wrong...I do still exercise, but I have definitely let my standards slip, and sadly, the number on the scale is telling the truth here.  And the truth isn't pretty.  And while, I know, you are supposed to be happy with your body and the person you are now and not focus on the numbers, it's not just the numbers I worry about.  I'm having that everlasting battle with my blood pressure, which has resulted in multiple doctors visits over the last year and adjusting my medication more times than I care to count.  I'm sure a lot of it has to do with stress and the heart defect I was born with as a child, but I can't help but feeling that some of it is lifestyle...and some of that, I think, can change or at least has room to change.
T and I have been having this discussion quite a bit since the wedding.  Both of us are having a hard time staying motivated, and the laziness that comes with the colder temperatures is already starting to set in.  Not good.   So we have made a plan.  We're going to get back into it.  T has made a goal of his to run the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon next November, and I have made a goal to lose 15 lbs while he's working on that goal.  (Yeah, I'd run that marathon, but the asthma doesn't let me do that so much at this steps, baby steps.  I'll do the 5k that day)
I managed to do this in law school.  Towards the end of my third year, I did gain quite a bit of weight, and my cholesterol numbers skyrocketed.  So I decided to join a gym, went to a nutritionist and figured out a meal plan for myself, and worked out and ate well, and I ended up losing 25 lbs by the time I graduated.   I was at my healthiest weight, and you know what?  If I did it then, I can do it again. 
The bad thing is I do have a sweet tooth like you wouldn't believe, and the carbs do call my name.  But I'm ready to go on this.  I'm tired of feeling the way I'm feeling, so I'm going to do this.  And I need you, my loyal readers, to keep me motivated on this.  Every Monday I'm going to check in with all of you.  We'll call it Nain's Motivation Monday. 
And I need any tips on healthy recipes or good workout routines that you use?  Email me at  You never know, I might just feature them on a Motivation Monday coming up soon!  (If I had enough skill, I would sooo make a button for this, but sadly, my motivation doesn't take me to working with html.)
So what about you all?  What keeps you motivated?


  1. I'm geared up for this as well! We can be workout buddies!

    Most of my motivation is the stress factor with my blood pressure, but in all honesty? It's largely because MB keeps himself is such top shape. I feel like I shame him because I'm so... not. :)

    And sweets and carbs are my downfall. ESPECIALLY when stressed.

  2. Way to go. It is so hard to stay motivated during the cold months. I just told my sister I'd run a 10 miler with her in April, so I've got to get my butt in gear too!

    My motivation is just the desire to feel good. When I don't work out, I feel lethargic and lazy.

    My other motivation is the need to eat lots of treats over the holidays. I'm going to tell myself that I can't bake until I've worked out 3 times the week before. If I don't make that number, I can't bake that weekend.

    We can do this!

  3. Wishing you all the luck in the world, luck has no calories. :-)
    You can do it!

  4. Excersise and Winter are a bad combo....all I want to do is lay in bed lol!! Good luck, hope you find your motivation!!

  5. I'll join you! I can use all the motivation I can get!!! :-)

    As for tips...riding bikes burns SO MANY calories it's ridiculous. I know it's quite a bit colder there than here, but you can use a stationary bike at the gym too. I also do a lot of elliptical and I have a library of workout dvds. Gotta change it up to keep myself interested

  6. My sisters and I have a blog called Reasons to Lose

    Every week we'll have 2 challenges, one will be physical and the other will either be nutritional or self-esteem based. You are more than welcome to do the challenges too and link up a post about how you did! Or even just follow along without writing about it :)

    One thing that has helped me a lot (because i have an insane sweet tooth too) is drinking green smoothies. We have them almost every morning, and when we stick to it, I don't crave sweets nearly as much! It's great. And I have more energy and am happier throughout the day.

    If you want any tips for making green smoothies just let me know!

  7. I'm just jealous you have someone by your side to help you stay motivated! It is so easy to lose that motivation, and I have to admit I haven't *really* worked out in a while... I wish I had a hubby to be my workout partner! :)

  8. Way to go!!
    Well, here in winter it's the best time to work out. Summers are so HOT, you can't even go out for a walk. Well, you can. But then, you'll die.
    Motivation? Me? I haven't worked out in... like a century! I have no motivation at all. So if you find some tips, share them, please!

  9. Oh, I know! It's so hard to stay motivated! I've been on a diet for over a year now. When I got back from the US, a year and a half ago, I was 70.5 pounds overweight. It was the biggest I had ever been in my life, and it was very frustrating. I started off by going to a dietician and focusing on working out. I was really focused - no drinking, no chocolates, no exceptions. In one year, I lost 55 pounds. But now there's those last 15, and the motivation is just wearing out... It's hard... It's been so long, I'm like "I've lost 55 pounds already, leave me alone!" But I know what you mean. If I did the 55, I can do the 15, right? So let's keep each other motivated! If you need help or if you're really craving some chocolate, shoot me an email and we'll work it out together!


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