Monday, July 23, 2012

Motivation Monday!

Motivation Monday

Happy Motivation Monday! I have to say, I'm feeling pretty good about my motivational goals from last week because I really am meeting them.  (Go me!)  Last week I actually worked out every week day for 30 minutes, running for 4 of those days...well run/walking but still totally feeling good about it.  And staying on task at work?  Done.  I have made a point of not getting on blogger or Facebook during the work day, and it's amazing what you can get done when you're not distracted by social media.  And that's a very good thing because I have a ton to do, and I have to stay focused.  (This kind of just furthers my wondering if getting off Facebook permanently is a good thing...)  Anyway, my first big motivational goal is to keep it up.  Let's do this, Nain!  Two weeks in a row, baby!
The only sticking point I see coming up is I will be acting as single parent starting Thursday this week.  T is leaving for a work trip on Thursday and will be gone until Tuesday so it'll just be me and Aubrey.  But I think I can still keep up the exercising.  If I get up early enough and take the monitor with me to the basement, I could get a good run in before she gets up.  We'll see how this works.  She does enjoy watching me do Taebo, too....she sits there in her bouncy chair laughing at Mommy kicking and punching.  I'm sure it looks quite hilarious. 
I've also been pretty good at not snacking and eating healthy.  This is taking some huge will-power on my part.  I've started bringing yogurt and salads as my lunch and cutting on the carbs.  I've also signed up for a program that will be beginning August 20th.  I really want to lose some weight to help 1) with my self image and esteem and 2) my health, mainly my heart.  If I drop some weight, I will also lower my blood pressure without medication, which is what I truly want.  So my big motivation is to keep this going.  Week one was good, let's see it through another week. 
I do miss my junk food, though.  Ordering something at a restaurant and saying "can I substitute a salad for the fries?" is hard.  Because those fries look pretty darn tasty.  And my pregnant self totally could have gotten away with that.   But no longer.  Stay strong, Nain, stay strong. 
So that's my motivation for the week...what's yours?   It's easy to join in...just write up a blog post telling everyone what motivation you need this week, link up to my blog through the cool button on the right of the screen and leave a link to your post in a comment...and voila!  You're linked up :-)
So let's get this week started...right!


  1. Wow, great job on last week!
    We were out to lunch with friends yesterday and I had one frie after a very long time of just not eating them. A lot easier to say no after eating it again. :-)

  2. I just linked you up to my Monday Mantras Linkup :)

    Visiting via BlogFrog :)



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