Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's okay....

I've seen bloggers do this thread several times, and I know it's one that links up to another blogger's page.  However, I'm not sure when that thread is done or who started it, but today...I'm in an "It's okay" mood. 
It's okay....
That I'm not in the best of moods...
That my heart isn't 100% into blogging or working or basically anything today.
It's NOT okay that I absorb other's problems and have let stress get the best of me this week...
It's okay that I am going to be distancing myself from those things that do bring stress...
It's okay that two days in a row now I've gotten cheddar sour cream ruffles chips from the vending machine for lunch...
It's okay that I have a load of darks still in the dryer just waiting to be folded from this weekend...
It's okay that I might not have any intention to fold said clothes in the near future...
It's okay that ate way too much pizza last night at my Mary Kay meeting and made myself sick from it.  (It was worth it in the moment.  Baby wanted it.)
It's okay that I don't always find time to do everything I need or want to do, including working out, responding to every single email, attending every invitation to a committee meeting or event that I get. 
It's okay that all I want to do right now is hole up in my house with T and shut everything else out. 
It's definitely okay that I just want Friday to get here so we can go to our doctor's appointment and find out if we're having a boy or girl.
It's okay when I mess up and when I don't do everything perfectly.  Not everyone is perfect. 
It's okay when I express my feelings and let people know when things hurt me even if their reaction might not be the best. 
It's okay. 
As you can tell, all is not well in Nainville today, but you know what?  It's okay. 


  1. Yes, it is OK! I pray that things go better with the rest of your day and your week.

  2. Oh, sweetie... I'm praying for you so that things go better. :)
    Hang in there!

  3. Oh, btw, there's an award awaiting you here:


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