Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm back! Motivation Monday!

Motivation Monday
Hi, everyone!  Back this week with a Motivation Monday post...I wish I could say that I was super motivated today and back in a positive attitude, but...nope, not so much.  But guess what?  That'll be my motivation for the week! 
I am motivated to keep myself remaining calm and positive this week.  Last week at work and with everything else was a bit on the stressful side.  I hate that because I know that stress isn't good for me or the baby.  So have several sustained days of stress is not a good thing.  For my morale or stress level, which, in turn, isn't good for the baby.
So my goal this week is to come up with something positive every day so that I keep focus on the good things in life.  My positive thing for today?  I had a relaxing weekend with my husband and had a really fun time with him and a few of our friends on Saturday night, as well as a nice time catching up with my oldest friend, Jess, on her birthday on Friday afternoon.  Oh, and while we are at it, I got to hear my baby's heart beat on Friday, but I'm saving that info for another post.  So those are my blessings for the day.  Let's keep this positive thinking up! 
What about you?  What motivation do you need this week?  Share your motivation with everyone by writing up a post about whatever kind of motivation you need, comment on this post and leave a link to your motivational post.  And I'll link you up! 
Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

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