Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This just in...

Sane, calm Nain has been taken over by moody, emotional Nain. Not just moody and emotional, but fully-on train wreck "what the hell is wrong with this woman?" emotional mess, crying at the drop of a hat Nain.  Or at least I was yesterday.  And it was not pretty. 

I wish I could say I had a reason.  I wish I could say "well, yeah, this was totally justified."  Part of me feels that yes, a small part of it was justified, but then another part of me goes, "did I really just take T's bottle of water from him in the car and throw it in the back seat just to prove a point like a three year old having a tantrum?  really?"  Oh yes, I did, but it's okay because the cap was on the bottle of water.  I think I remember telling him that he didn't need water and to be a big boy and suck it up.  Yes, I said that, too. 

Yes, I also was that person who shot down every single suggestion T gave for dinner ideas.  See, we had to work kind of me, I mean T, but I had to wait for him so I was already on a roll by the time he picked me up.  I wanted to cook dinner, work out, pack lunches and then go to the bank.  Feeling that there was no way in hell that I could get everything done, nor was there any way T could do any of it, and no way that any place he picked seemed to sound good, I became a petulant child, slumping in my seat and pouting about how nothing sounded good.  I should note that after tears and me losing it a few more times, we did decide to go out to eat.  It sounded good (the place I picked) but wouldn't you know it...didn't really eat that much.  I have to admit, though, by the time we got to the restaurant, even though T said he didn't need a beer with dinner, I convinced him that yes, after my manic fit in the car, he needed a beer.  Hell, I could have used a beer with how stressful that car ride was.  And it was all self-induced. 

I pray that today I'm back to my calm(er) self, or at least a shade or two lighter than yesterday.  Or maybe I should just go into pregnancy-induced-mood swing hibernation for the next five months?  Because this could just keep getting uglier.  And I like T.  Don't want to drive him too crazy before the little half-pint arrives...



  1. I'm sorry you had that "fight"...
    But you had a reason to say those things and behave like that: you're pregnant. So don't feel guilty! You're growing a human being in your uterus, and that's not easy!

  2. Chloe hit the nail on the head. I suggest you talk to your doc about taking extra vitamin b, it helped me regulate the moody, snarkiness when I was pregnant. Actually it still does. It's water soluble so you shouldn't get too much. But since you are growing that baby, talk to your doc first.

  3. Reading this is actually kind of funny because the restaurant debate sounds like the type of arguments that Matt and I would have. And I cracked up at the part about you throwing the water bottle. I could just imagine that whole scene in a comedy tv show.


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