Jean Houston
I am stealing this quote from my sister-in-law's Facebook page this morning, because honestly, laughter is something that I sorely have been needing lately. And luckily for me, my husband is always there to bring a smile to my face or make me laugh. With family and work stress lately, things have been a little serious lately, but every now and then, you do need a genuine, good laugh. T gave me that the other day, and I thought I'd share it with long as he doesn't think I'm poking fun at him. He's a good sport, though, so I don't think he'll mind.
T's not much of a movie person. Growing up, I don't think he was exposed to a lot of the classics. I've tried my best to remedy that problem, but a girl can only do so much. So the other day we're watching my favorite show, Dancing with the Stars. They were doing a Macy's Stars of Dance number to music from the movie Gone with the Wind. Such a good movie. Anyway, so while the whole thing is going on, T starts asking me what the music is from. So I try to explain that it's the theme to Tara and is when Scarlett is saying how she'll never go hungry again right after her plantation was ravaged to nothing. T looks at me and goes "Wait. That movie is about the Civil War? I thought it was about World War II!"
I start laughing and try to correct him. How in God's name is it possible he didn't know this? So he says "Well, isn't it that movie where that guy is leaving that woman by an airplane or something?"
"You mean Casablanca? They didn't have planes during the Civil War..."
"Yeah, where he gets in the plane and says something like 'dammit lady, I'm leaving..."
At this point I couldn't hold the laughter in. And not just a giggle, but genuine, snorting, belly laugh. Dear Lord, it's a good thing the boy is pretty.
Actually, he is quite smart. Just doesn't know his pop culture. I think I might have to force him to watch this movie soon.
"Dammit, lady...I'm leaving..."

Well, at least he kind of got the gist of it. A lot of guys probably wouldn't even get that much.
ReplyDeleteHe's so funny! :)
You're a lucky girl, Nain! ;)
It takes a talent to so thouroghly mish-mash two movies into one. You'd almost have to replace Gable and Bogart with Leslie Nielson!
ReplyDelete"Dammit, lady...I'm leaving..." Oh that is fantastic! I may have to start signing my e-mails that way!