Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Follow your dreams

First off, I want to say a hearty THANK YOU to all of you who have subscribed to follow me on The Examiner.  Seriously, you are awesome.  If you haven't, you totally should:  To follow me on my Greenwood Family Issues column, click here and to follow the Johnson County Courts column, click here and click "Subscribe." How many page views and how many subscribers follow me help me with my ranking, which helps my visibility, which helps my...well...what I earn ;-)
Anyway, that's my plug.  Again. 
It's sad because I have kind of become obsessed with it.  Well, not obsessed.  Well, maybe.  And it's probably not really sad.  It's kind of a good thing.  It's something about which I am passionate, so that is a good thing, right? 
Question for all of you...what do you do when you are conflicted over what makes you happiest in what you do?  It's a struggle, I guess.  But I don't think I've been this excited about something in forever.  Unfortunately, I can't really pay off Sallie Mae with that alone.  And I am passionate about law, too.  I'm passionate about both of it.  So how do you balance all of that? 
In the perfect world, what would I do?  Well, I'd be living in Dublin, Ireland, holed up in a coffee shop or pub, writing full-time.  Aubrey and Tim would be there, of course.  But in a perfect world?  That is what I would do for a living. 
But see the thing is, it's not a perfect world.  And I made decisions to follow other dreams.  Expensive decisions.  I don't necessarily regret the decisions because I'm good at what I do.  I love being a lawyer, and I love working for a non-profit.  I'm good in court.  I'm not tooting my horn, but I don't suck.  But I have a heart condition.  And three times now I've been forced to wear a heart monitor, have been put on two blood pressure medications and am seen by a cardiologist.  So, I'm good at it, but is it what I should be doing? 
They say you should work to live and not live to work.  I think there is a happy balance in that.  I think what you are doing should be a complement to who you are.  It should just...fit.  It's work, but it's work that you enjoy doing.  So in a way, it's following your passion, too.  Hold it here, I'm getting entirely too deep. 
I'm not going to suddenly quit my job and move off to Ireland by any means.  I still love what I do.  I want to do everything I can for this agency and make it as successful as I can.
So I don't know what I'm saying here.  I'm just rambling, and you, as my readers, are just going to have to come to a conclusion of what I'm getting at here.  Maybe if you guys could do that, then maybe, just maybe, I could figure out what it is that I want exactly.
But that's neither here nor there.  I am blessed and happy to have a job that drives me and about which I am passionate.  It might be for just right now and not forever, but I'm so very lucky to have it. 
Where God takes me next, I don't know. 


  1. First, I tried to subscribe last night, but it wouldn't let me. So I tried again just now, thinking, "Watch the problem be that I tried to auto-fill my e-mail last night." As my Dad used to say, "Sure as $#!t..."

    Second, I guess I never get conflicted over things like you are because I just ain't the driven kind of person. My way of looking at life is from a pontoon with the motor shut off. Might not get anywhere fast, but at least the DNR doesn't notice you...

  2. I subscribed! How cool that you are doing some freelancing to follow your dream!

  3. That is so awesome that you are finding ways of following your dream even if it is down a different path. You never know where that path will take you! I'm in a similar boat wondering what my true passion is and what would make me the most happy. It really is a hard balance to find. Cheers to you for making an effort to find it, though!


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