Friday, June 28, 2013

Hitting the road

We're getting ready to hit the road with family for 8 whole days.  It'll be nice to get out of dodge for a bit and take a break from work, but the packing part is something I absolutely dread.  Now that we have the little one, packing has become insane.  Thursday morning, as T and I were driving to work, I was compiling multiple lists, broken into categories of what we needed: one for Aubrey, one for T, one for me, and one for the car in general.  And then breaking those lists down into even more sub-categories:  beach, bedtime, bath time, clothes....yeah, it's a little excessive, but this is my way of making sure we have everything we need.  I mean, yeah, I know...they have stores there so if I miss something it's not the end of the world, but still. 
The week should be nice but interesting.  We'll be spending the first half with my family up in South Haven, MI, and then traveling across the state to spend time with T's family for 4 days.  Yes, that is a lot of family time.  But it's also a lot of time for Aubrey to be entertained by her cousins.  So this could definitely work in our favor. 
I am excited because one of those days we'll be seeing an old friend of mine from college.  And by old, I don't mean age, of course.  I've known her since my freshman year at IU, and this will be the first time she meets Aubrey and really the first time she has any interaction with T.  She was there at our wedding, but it's not like they got to have a real conversation then.  She's actually from South Haven originally so it's always nice to see her when we go up there on vacation. 
I had high hopes of getting a blog post pre-written as well as an Examiner article per day for while we're gone.  Key word is "hope."  Because that totally didn't happen.  I'll be MIA next week, maybe posting once, and I know that not posting on my Examiner page will ding me in terms of page views, but oh well.  It's vacation, right?  (But if you want to help supplement it, click on them anyway...ha).  I'm probably a little over ambitious thinking I could actually come up with 8 posts and 8 articles.  Oh, crazy Alaina...
We'll be hitting the wineries and beaches.  Aubrey's first exposure to the beach.  Considering she's still hesitant to even step foot in grass, I have my concerns.  But who knows?  She could totally surprise us and love sand.  I promise to come back with lots of pictures!  Um, yeah, that reminds me, I have yet to upload our St. Louis pictures from way back in May.  Man, am I slacking....
So I'll be back in a week!


  1. Just have fun! We'll see you in a week!

  2. Oh the packing with a baby - it is SO much more difficult! Hope you get through that part quickly though, and are able to just enjoy your trip - especially the wineries! ;)


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