- I am thankful for coffee. For without it, there is no way in hell I could get through my morning.
- I am thankful for wine because of its delicious goodness, and you know, it's pretty darn nice at the end of a rough day.
- I am thankful for the little giggles I get from my daughter when I pretend to "nibble her piggies."
- I am thankful for little encouraging text messages I get from T throughout the day, just to let me know he's thinking about me.
- I'm thankful for the opportunities I have to write, especially in mediums like ModVive where I get to not only talk about current events but give insights with my thoughts on the subject. I don't get to do that often in the legal world.
- I am thankful for Alabama football. Roll. Tide.
- I am thankful for my Keurig. Because some mornings I am just too damn lazy to brew coffee myself. (I'm spoiled, I know.)
- I am thankful for my favorite show (still on the air) Dancing with the Stars.
- I'm thankful for my husband for putting up with the 12 weeks of me watching it every Monday.
- I'm thankful for my church and the friends I have met there.
- I am thankful for all of my friends - old and new. Each of them teach me something every single day. I am so blessed.
- I'm thankful for the wonderful friends we have who help us out when we need it and who watch our little girl for us when we need a time out.
- I'm thankful for my job and for all of the opportunities it has brought and for the ability to help others.
- I am thankful for family. I'm thankful we are both blessed to have loving and welcoming families to share the holidays with.
- Thankful, of course, for the delicious food that will be shared on Thanksgiving. Oh gluttony.
- I am thankful I figured out how to do my daughter's hair because she looks too cute with the little pigtails. Love them.
- I am thankful for T's cooking - he made us chicken parmesan this last weekend and of course, I love his honey chicken stir fry. I love that he gets excited to cook a fun meal for me.
- I am thankful for those friends I can vent to no matter what time of the day and no matter how stupid my venting may be. (I'm looking at you L to the YN!)
- I am thankful for the fact that no matter what we may have gone through, especially this year with the whole Mary Kay thing, T sticks by me no matter what and says "let's figure this out, we can do this." Even when I might not think that we can.
- I am thankful for the opportunity I had to travel to Ireland for our honeymoon. It was my dream, and just being there, was absolutely amazing.
- I am thankful for the upcoming Christmas season. I love everything about it, and I'm so excited to share it with T and my daughter.
- I am thankful for all of my nieces and nephews - I get to spend time with four of the five of them soon, and I cannot wait to snuggle with my baby niece after Christmas.
- I am thankful to have my husband back on the weekends now that it is chilly and he does not have to mow the yard anymore. Yay!
- I am thankful for laughter. No matter how stressful things may seem, I can turn on something funny on TV and just for a moment, break free from the stress.
- I'm thankful for so much more..things I cannot remember or write down. And did I mention I was thankful for the the upcoming long weekend? Oh yeah, because I am. Just saying.
There is a lot, I know, and by no means is that list exhaustive or in any order. I am blessed.

Why do # 1 and 2 not deserve their own post day?! Have you gone ill?? And thank you for number #18! LtotheYN be rockin it.....as she sits in McDonalds, networking on the phone, making the kids' placemats for tomorrow, and listening to a gluten free show that is on the McD's TV....Ron Burgundy?