Today is November 1st, and thus marks the beginning of what I'm challenging myself to do - 30 days of thankfulness. Yes, this means I'll actually be posting on weekends, too, though I cannot account for the length of my posts. All too often we don't take the time to really appreciate the blessings in life. God knows I don't.
So I'm taking the opportunity this month to recognize my blessings. Now, don't think that I'm putting them in any kind of order. Just because I may post my thankfulness for Junior Mints doesn't mean I appreciate them more than, say, T. Don't get me wrong....Junior Mints are hella good, but I'll keep them random just for the fun of it. So here we go....
Today I'm thankful for this: My little honey bee.
I'm sure I'll post something else about Aubrey this month but in light of Halloween, this picture was just too darn cute to not post. We took her Wednesday to the library for a Halloween party. I must love her an awful lot because we're talking hundreds of kids in a not-so-big space, all hyped up on sugar. Basically my idea of hell. And little Miss Aubrey does not like to be carried nor does she like to be told what to do. I know there are a lot of opponents to this but there is something to be said about leashes. Just saying.
Anyway, my little honey bee is my favorite girl in the whole wide world. I love that she is so independent and confident, headstrong, smart and goofy. She is just so perfect just the way she is. And don't you just love the pigtails? cute. And note she does have her best friend the butterfly with her. This thing smells of sour milk no matter how often I wash it and has become an appendage to my daughter.
We got this picture from her infant teacher where they took a footprint and made it into a bumblebee. The picture is on our mantel, and they wrote "Busy Baby Bee Aubrey." I'm sure I'll have that up there until she's a teenager and begs me to take it down. But she is my busy baby bee. Or my busy big girl bee. Always exploring, always wanting to do it herself. I love that about her.
And I'm thankful she let me dress her up as a bee and didn't tear off the costume. We were worried about that. I think she rather liked the wings, too.
I'm thankful for my little girl. God bless you little Aubrey.
Somehow kids just know that Halloween is for dressing up. She looks so adorable!