Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thankful for the future

Today is the very last day of 30 Days of Thanks.  I'm pretty impressed with myself that I actually wrote every single day this month.  Now, don't expect this to be a normal thing....writing on the weekends is a bit tough :-)  Anyway, so I was thinking and thinking that whatever I had to be thankful for today better be significant because it is Day 30 after all.  

So I thought and thought....and then I watched this Huffington Post video of a man whose girlfriend found out that he was going to propose so he went through this elaborate date where he kept faking her out that he was going to ask the big question until he finally did.  And it brought me back to that rainy July 4th over 4 years ago.  And the feelings flooded back of how much we had ahead of us, our future, counting down the days until we could be "us," man and wife.  The future.  And that was it.

Today I am thankful for our future.  

We aren't quite to the end of the year yet, and you always picture people looking to the future year at the end of the December, but that's not really the future I'm thinking about. Honestly, 2014 probably won't  be that "life-changing" of a year.  I don't anticipate that being the case, but you never know.  Stranger things have happened.  

I'm talking about the future, future.  What will it bring for our family?  For T?  Myself?  For Aubrey?  We are where we are right now in life, but really, we have just started our adventure together.  I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, let alone the next few years.  It's fun to think of the possibilities - where can we go?  Will we always live here?  Will I always do the same thing?  What will Aubrey be like as she grows up? What adventures will we embark on as a family?

I know it sounds cheesy, but honestly I'm not the kind of person who thinks of the future in that way.  I'm a worrier, so when I think of the future, it usually involves me fretting over something minute and insignificant thing.  But for just once I want to think of the future of something wondrous and unknown.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring?  I, for one, can't wait to find out.


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