Today's thankfulness item? I am thankful beyond repair for my house. I searched high and low for a picture of it; however, due to crashing my computer awhile ago and losing files, this was the best I could come up from old blog posts. Oh, Nain...anyway, I am extremely blessed that we have a home to call our own. And I'm thankful that it happened to be exactly the right timing when we built it. Things just fell into place. Otherwise I'm not sure we'd otherwise be able to pay for it, but things just kind of happened. We got to pick everything we wanted for the home and build it just the way we envisioned our dream home to be. It's a home where we will grow as a family and hopefully stay in for the long haul.
I don't really take the time I should to step back and say "you know, I am lucky." It's something I take for granted because we have been in here for a few years, but when I asked T the other day for an idea for a post, this was one of the first things he said. I take pride in my home, as does he. So today, I'm thankful to have somewhere we can call home sweet home.
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