Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Are you ready for this?

So....we're coming upon a new year, and you know what that means!  New years resolutions!  Now personally, I'm not a big fan of calling these promises to change "resolutions."  I think hyping them up too much just sets you up for failure.  Because, really, how many of us have not followed through with our "new years resolutions?"  The problem with resolutions are that they normally are this huge goal to either stop doing something or start doing something, and then when you slip up, you feel like you've failed.  And then you don't try anymore until the next year when it's time to make another resolution. 

I say this year I will make goals.  And not just goals that "I absolutely have to do right away, and if I don't, well, then I suck as a human being" kind of goals, but just goals I'd like to cross off over the course of the year.  Almost like a 2011 "to do" list. 

I have quite a few things I would like to make some major progress on this year, and that will be the topic of my very first Motivation Monday post for the new year on Monday, January 3rd!

I'd like to get some hype up for next week's Motivation Monday for several reasons.  1) It's the first one of the year and 2) I haven't gotten a whole lot of participation in it just yet, and I'd like to see that change.  It's so easy to do - just write a post about something you need motivation on, something that's motivating you, or anything motivational in general.  Link it up to my original post for the week, using the linky tool that will be added each Monday and remains open until the end of the week, and if you should feel so inclined, pass along the word to your friends to participate, too!  I'd really love to see this be a trend that keeps going.  I know that I personally can use a great deal of motivation at the start of each week to get myself going, as I am sure others can, too! 

So be thinking motivation....I'll be ready with the first Motivation Monday post of 2011 next Monday!

Motivation Monday



  1. I hope you get lots of participation! With the exception of RTT (Keely has a lien on my dog. Luckily, it's the stupid one.), and since stopping (pausing?) the Spin Cycle, it's been difficult to catch on with the new forums. I will try to make this one though since it's the New year!

  2. I participate! Some mondays i can't think of what to be motivated for though,,, maybe that will be my resolution! :)

  3. Have you thought of posting this on the blog frog to see if you can drum up some support?


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