Aubrey was in rare form this weekend...a good mood and crazy as usual, so I was taking it. Her Nana and Grandpa were in town to visit so she was all about the entertaining. Here's a day in the life of Miss Aubrey:
Just relaxing and kicking it up....
Let's read this book....come on mommy, put that camera down!
Darth Vader is getting ready to drive....
Oops...ran into the wall...I think she takes after her mommy...
Running from the scene of the accident...
I'm breaking outta here!
Playing with Nana and Grandpa
Wait, you took my picture? Let me see that!
Okay, time for a break....need to hug my daddy!
Man, I'm worn out!
Snuggling with her butterfly best friend....

ReplyDeleteShe has gotten SO big! And so cute!