I have not done a Motivation Monday for awhile, and yesterday my butt was kicked so badly that I had no choice. Someone needs to get her butt out of bed in the morning and run. Yep, that someone is me.
I got a little overzealous yesterday and thought "Oh, I'm going to go for a run outside!" It was 50 degrees out, beautiful, so why not? Yeah, totally wasn't ready for that Cue asthma attack about 1/2 mile down the road. But no, I kept going. Running. Walking. Running. Walking and then finally walking my butt home because if I kept running someone was going to be going to the E.R.
Seriously? I was doing so well around this time last year, training for a mini, at least able to run for a mile straight if not more. That last 5 mile race was hard enough a few weeks ago. So yeah....
I think one thing that would help me is if we had more races planned so I had some goals set. We have two the week of Thanksgiving so that is coming up. So let's get ready for that!
It's tough when a certain toddler won't sleep through the night for some reason. It's been happening for about two weeks now, and it's like she's 2 months all over again. No sleep equals tired Nain equals Nain doesn't want to get out of bed when the alarm goes off at 5 a.m., but that is no excuse! Maybe I need Billy Blanks to motivate me or something.
So it's time to hold myself a little accountable here and maybe try that run outside again in a few weeks and see just how much better I do. I think I can do this....

Make sure you take a few puffs of your inhaler before you leave the house, even with no symptoms, that's really helped me (hell, bring it with you too, just in case!). Sometimes the cold air can trigger it too. You'll get your stride back in no time!