Friday, July 2, 2010

Our engaging year

Normally, I would write this on Sunday, since July 4th is officially the one year mark, but since T and I will be out of town this weekend, and with it being a holiday all, I shall write this a few days early. One year ago on Sunday I was asked the most important question I will ever be asked, but yet the easiest one that I have ever had to answer. It was the day T asked me to marry him, and it was the happiest day of my life thus far. (I'm sure it will be come the second happiest after September 18th)

T's birthday falls just short of the 4th of July, so last year, I surprised him with a night out in downtown Indy. I booked us a room at the Omni downtown, and I got tickets to the Indianapolis Indians 4th of July game. The great thing about that game is that after it's over, the Indians have their own fireworks display, and then you have an awesome view of the Indianapolis fireworks. I took him out to lunch beforehand, and the plan was to just walk around downtown before the game and then go out after the game was over. However, mother nature had other plans. Last year, the weather was cool and rainy all day on the 4th. Like sweater wearing cool. And it didn't just rain a little bit. It poured all day long. So needless to say, when I saw that forecast, my heart sank just a little bit, but T kept assuring me that we'd still have fun, no worries. However, I was a little more preoccupied with the fact that the game could be rained out as well as the fireworks. The whole birthday event would be ruined.

Little did I know that T had other plans. I should have suspected, and part of me had a teeny tiny suspicion because he was so adamant that the day would be perfect no matter what. I should have also been suspicious that week after everyone in my family was being really really nice to me, and my mom had invited us over on the 5th for a cookout at their house and was really really nice about it. (She's nice normally, but this was extra special nice so something was up.) What I didn't know was my whole family knew a couple weekends before, after T had gathered up the courage to ask my dad for his permission to marry me, that everyone knew when and how it was going to happen. Of course, my dad had sworn to T he would keep it to himself, but in my family, telling anyone anything means it's going to be on the CNN ticker in about 15 minutes. So it was all planned, and everyone was in on it except me.

We headed downtown, me griping the whole time about the damn rain and how it was going to ruin everything and how the humidity was wreaking havoc on my hair, and we parked downtown and headed to Rock Bottom Brewery for lunch. T was acting all fidgety, not eating his food, talking about a mile a minute and driving me absolutely crazy. (He does this when nervous) So lunch was a bit odd, but I figured he was just excited and that was why he was acting all weird. After lunch, T said "let's go for a walk to the Monument!" I looked at him like "our you out of your damn mind, boy? It's pouring rain out there!" But I went for it, because I just can't so no to that face. We each had an umbrella in tow, and we headed a few blocks north to the Monument.

As we started walking closer to towards it, T grabs my hand and starts walking a little slower. He starts talking, and honestly I don't remember everything he said because the way he was talking, I kind of new something was coming so I started to get a little nervous, too. We walk up the stairs to the foot of the Monument, and he turns to me and says, "I have a question for you..." I look up at him and said "what?" He pulls out a little black box, opens it and there is this beautiful, amazing ring. "Will you marry me?" I think my heart stopped beating for a few seconds, and I don't recall exactly how quickly I answered because I had to catch my breath but T tells me that I gasped and immediately said "yes!" We were both in tears at this point, hugging, kissing, and laughing. It's pouring rain at this point, and we're the only two people down on the Circle. We stood there for a good 15 minutes under my umbrella...pretty much making out, yes, in public, but I don't think either of us cared at that point. It was hands down the happiest moment in my life. There was absolutely no hesitation in answering his question. He was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I knew it for quite some time before we got to that day, and I knew how I would answer if he asked. I just didn't know it would feel the way it felt that day. I couldn't have been happier or more in love. (Well, that's not true. I'm actually more in love today with T than I was that day. I grow more and more in love with him each day I'm with him.)

I think both of us were a little scared to put the ring on my finger because we were afraid we'd drop it or something, but I put it on, and I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. I was getting married to my best friend, and I wanted the world to know. We called our family and friends immediately after, all of whom were so happy but were already expecting a phone call, of course, since they all knew.

The rest of the day was a whirlwind. The game got rained out, bu not after T and I sat in the stands in our ponchos and umbrellas waiting for the rain to give. But we didn't care. We were too happy to let it rain on our parade. I think the smiles in this picture speak for themselves.

Happy 4th everyone!


  1. Awww! What an amazing story! I'll have to tell the BF to read this for some inspiration ;)

  2. That is a really romantic story. Congrats to you two. I am assuming Sept 18th brings baby news?

  3. I LOVE reading proposal stories! The fact that he asked your dad for your hand makes it even more romantic!

    Congratulations to you. September 18th is going to be a beautiful day!

  4. @ Tracy - oh dear lord, I hope not! Sept 18th is our wedding day :-)

  5. What a beautiful story! Awesome!

  6. Congrats! You will be telling your grandkids that story some day!

  7. What a sweet and romantic story. I love that he surprised you on HIS birthday. PS- I found you on blog frog.

  8. This was a great and romantic story. Congrats to you and T.

  9. Hop on over to my website to receive your blog award. Thanks for blogging with substance:)

  10. It great and romantic story, Thank you for sharing,
    I have give you blog award please visit
    have a nice weekend.

  11. What a sweet story! So happy for you both. :-)

  12. Beautiful story!! Congratulations!!!

  13. Congrats! It's just around the corner.

    I have an award for you on my blog tomorrow.


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