Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spin Cycle: The First Time

It's time for the Spin Cycle, courtesy of Jen at Sprite's Keeper. Oh Spin Cycle, how I missed thee in the week you took off. Anyway, this week's topic is another interesting one: the first time. And no, we're not talking THAT first time. So get your mind out of the gutter, people. No, I'll talk about a different first time for all of you.

Ok, so I have a small problem. A driving problem. Well, correct that...a parking problem. See, I, Nain, have what people call a depth perception problem. Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear type of thing. When I was in driver's ed, I remember them telling us about this, and I blew it off thinking "please, that problem doesn't exist." It wasn't until about one month after I got my license that I discovered that, yes, this problem does exist. And it's a bitch.

Over the course of my year of being a licensed driver, I've hit several parked cars. The last count I had was six, and that doesn't count inanimate objects: walls, rocks, fences, curbs, etc. I can't keep count of those. I have really really bad luck when it comes to cars. Really bad luck. I could give you a post for every incident when I have done something stupid in my car, but since this one is about my "first time," I'll just tell you about my first parked car.

I know I've already told you guys about my first car - my awesome 1992 Dodge Shadow convertible. I saved and saved and worked my butt off to get this car, and when I did, I was so excited. My own set of wheels. Finally. I tried my best to keep extra good care of this car. Keyword: tried.

It was a beautiful sunny day. I had just gotten out of school and was heading to my afterschool job. I was a junior in high school, and I had the world at my fingertips. My job was at a local elementary school working as a babysitter basically at an afterschool wrap-around program where kids could stay until around 6:00 p.m. when their parents got off work. It was a pretty decent gig. I was running a little late on this particular day, and the parking lot was ridiculously full at the school. I pull into the lot and see a spot to my right in between two cars. I turn my wheel as far as I think it should go and start to pull in.

It isn't but a few seconds before I hear it. The crunching noise The noise of metal being smashed and distorted. Sadly, I know this noise all too well. I dream about it in my sleep and wake up in a cold sweat. Yep, I hit a car. Panicking, I put my car in park. Right where it is, the exact position where I hit the car next to me. I think my the side of my car was still up on the other car's door just a bit, but I didn't know what to do. My first reaction: call Dad. He'll know what to do to fix this. Of course, my father works in a city about 50 minutes north of where I grew up. It's not like he could have instantly beamed himself there and made the car accident go away. So I call him. In tears, I tell him that I hit a blue Cavalier in the parking lot at work. He asks, "where's your car?" I tell him that it's still in the position it was where I hit it. He instructs me to figure out whose car it is and let them know. This isn't what I wanted to hear.

Obviously, this person was probably a teacher at this school. It was an elementary school, so clearly it couldn't belong to a student. The process of elimination was pretty easy with that one. So I go to the front desk and ask the secretary if she knows who owns a blue Cavalier at that school. She doesn't know but tells me that all of the teachers are in a meeting down the hall in the cafeteria. Why don't I go ask there? Again, not what I wanted to hear. But remember, my car is in an awkward position, blocking this car in, in the parking lot. I had no choice.

So I make my way to the cafeteria. I have tears in my eyes and this huge frog in my throat. The last thing I want to do is stand before a room of adults and say "hey I hit someone's car...who has the blue Cavalier?" But I did. I interrupted a teacher's meeting and embarrassed the hell out of myself in the process. Of course, the teacher who owned the car was really sweet. She gave me a hug, as I was in even more tears at this point, and she went outside and helped me back my car up and off of hers and then pull it in somewhere else. She said not to worry, that her husband could hammer out the dent in her car. Mine, on the other hand, was a whole other question. I did some pretty decent damage, too, I must say. However, in the grand scheme of things, I couldn't have asked for a nice person whose car to hit.

I'd like to say that that was my only experience doing this, but that would be one huge lie. However, this is my first time we're talking about, so we won't get into that. Another day, another blog post...


  1. Oh, I felt embarrassed for you as I read this! I promised I would dedicate this Spin to something else, but I remember when I first hit something too, unfortunately, it was the mirror on John's car as I was backing out of the garage and wasn't paying attention to where his car was parked in the driveway. No damage to my car, the right mirror on his came right off. I was so pissed off about it, I grabbed the mirror and brought it inside, slamming it on the kitchen counter and yelling my apology since I was REALLY late at that point for work. He kept that wrecked mirror for a LONG time to remind me that my perfect driving record is capable of flaws. :-)
    You're linked!

  2. Oh, what an embarrassing situation!!
    Fortunately, that person was nice!
    Btw, you're now on my blogroll!

  3. Awe, I think it would take ma at least 30 min to work up the courage to interrupt that meeting. I'm glad she was so nice about it :-)

  4. We've all been there! Good for you for getting the nerve to go find the teacher! That takes serious guts!!

  5. Wow - I admit, I've hit my fair share of parked cars, but never done real damage!

  6. I love happy endings :) Well, it could have been worse - lots worse, like you could have hit a car that belonged to the principal who was makin out IN the car at the time (ooooh bad mental picture of elementary school principal) or you could've hit YOUR teacher's car (whoa, would've liked to see that report card) so...besides the fact that I need sleep, I think you had a pretty happy ending :)

  7. Oh yeah. What a way to "break" yourself in. :( I hate to say anything about my driving because I know I would immediately jynx myself. So I will just say be careful and maybe give yourself ome extra room. Be the jerk that takes up two spaces. LOL

  8. I've had my share of accidents but mine are usually moving accidents. My husband has hit one or two parked cars though. And my mom has it in for inanimate objects.

  9. Dads always know what to do. It did take courage to interrupt a meeting with news like that. I felt for you as I was reading the story.

  10. Ouch ... but as others have said, at least the person you hit was "nice about it".

    My first "accident" was before I actually got my license. My mom was my driver training teacher - I really didn't want my dad to teach me - but after I had been driving with mom for awhile, dad decided that I had to go out with him.

    Now I was driving a station wagon (yes it was a LONG time ago) and was doing really well - even dad was impressed. As we got home, dad said "put it in the garage". Now I have NEVER done that before and told him so. He very nicely told me if I couldn't put the car back in the garage, I couldn't drive it. So I tried to put this tank in the garage, and caught the side ..... backed the car out, put it in park and got out. I looked at my dad and said ...... guess I'm never going to drive.

    But since I've taught both my kids to drive - I guess that was a false statement! Though I never made them put the car in the garage while they were learning.

  11. Holy cow. I have lots of comments...

    You've hit six cars?!?!?!?!

    That is so awesome that the teacher was so nice about it... she could have been a total witch, you know?

    Honestly, how bad are your insurance rates? ;)

    Here from blogfrog...

  12. I found you on follow friday on Blog Frog. Nice to meet you and I'm a new follower of yours with GFC. I read this story and you had me laughing. You have guts to stand in front of a room of adults like that. Of course we all know that one of everyones biggest fear is stage fright. But that day you took it head on!
    Check out my blog when you get a sec. I have a giveaway waiting for you to enter too!


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