Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Small treasures and awards

You get 2 posts from me today - can you believe it? I've been inspired by Chantel, from My Thoughts and Treasures, who is quite possibly one of the sweetest people you'll ever see on the blogosphere, to participate in another meme today: Small Treasures Tuesday. My small treasure today is you guys. My readers. And this small treasure leads me to yet another meme-type thing...I got an award from Cori over at Cori's Big Mouth. She's a new blogger I've come across, and I absolutely love reading about her and her daughter's adventures. I've been giving an award for being a Versatile Blogger. Seriously, I've never considered myself versatile by any means, and honestly, when I first started my blog, I wasn't sure where this would take me and whether I would even have readers. So to be honored by someone like that, it really means a lot. I love where this is taking me and the fact that I have gotten back to writing and following my passions and what I love. And I can't wait to see what the future will hold for me.

So the rules are this:
  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!
  4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award! I’m sure they’ll be thankful. 
So seven things about myself...here goes nothing: 

1. I love to cook and to try new things in the kitchen. I think T likes this a lot, too.

 2. I probably exercise more than I should, and if I don't exercise in a day, I have myself convinced that I'm suddenly going to get really fat from not working out. (Please see another irrational fear...)

 3. I am the youngest of 3 children in my family but you wouldn't know that by talking to me. I often get mistaken for the oldest.

 4. I love stupid comedies. Anything that makes me laugh. I'm not one for the serious in anyway.

 5. I love to dance, even though I might not be the best dancer. The way I describe my style of dancing is silly white girl dancing. But I don't care...I just love to dance.

 6. We're getting married in exactly 53 days from today.

 7. In exactly 54 days, I will be in Dublin, Ireland. I couldn't be any more excited for Number 6 and 7


 And 15 bloggers...this one might be a little more difficult because I'm relatively new to this and am not sure if I'm aware of 15 bloggers (well, new bloggers) so some of you have been tagged before. But, because I think you're so awesome, you are still getting this award:

2. Chantel @ My Thoughts and Treasures
3. SIF @ Single, Infertile Female: Now What?
4. Holly Renee @ Love Imagine Create
5. Chloe @ My New Life As a Housewife
6. Helena @ Life In the Pitts
7. Megan @ Best of Fates
8. Suzie @ I Married a Moron...and Survived!
9. Vandy @ The Testosterone Three and Me
10. Peg @ Square Peg in a Round Hole

Ok, so now I'm getting into people I've already tagged before so, sorry, folks...just 10 today. But go check them out because they really are all great! And thank you, Cori, for my award, and Chantel, I hope this suffices as a small treasure for the day!


  1. You're so sweet for thinking of me! I'll get this done ASAP:)

  2. Thank you so much for the award! you are so sweet!

    And yes, that is a perfect treasure :-) Everyone who reads my blog are some of my treasures as well. Have a great day! thank you again.

  3. Thank you so much for thinking of me lady! And I am insanely jealous that you are getting to go to Ireland!

  4. Aw, thank you SO much! I am completely non-deserving. And I love Dublin - I'm crazy envious of you two!

  5. Sorry I'm so late responding. I'm in VA in LA LA Land and have not internet connection. Thanks you so much for the award!


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