Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thank you for being a friend (and a good commentor, too!)

I received an award today from Square Peg in a Round Hole for being a SUPER commentor :-)  I love receiving awards...what a great way to start my work week!  Anyway, so I have lots of pictures from my weekend, including our family reunion, a bridal shower and fireworks, but I'll be posting those tomorrow so come back for more.  Today I'll leave you with the my answers to the list that goes along with my award.  Then, I'm tagging some of you lucky people out there who are also super commentors on my  blog, too!  (See, what more could you ask for on a Tuesday morning, right?)

Here goes nothing....

1) Why do you blog?

I got into blogging because I have been talking forever about getting back into writing, but I wasn't quite sure the best way to go about it.  Since I can remember, I've been saying "I want to write a book" or "I should really write more," so this summer, after being inspired through a fellow blogger, Confessions of a Young Married Couple, who I found randomly through an article on MSN.com, actually, I decided to start blogging as a way to get the creative juices flowing and see what I could do with it.  I'm going on two months now, and I am loving every  minute of it so far!

2) What was your favorite age to be and why?
Man, this is a tough question.  So I'm going to pick a totally random age.  I'd say my favorite age to be was 8.  It was the year before we moved from Alabama to Indiana, and I had no worries in the world.  Just played with my best friend Michael whenever I could, enjoyed the warm Alabama weather, and was a kid.  Sometimes I truly miss just being a kid.  Just you and the world to explore.   So yes, that would be my favorite age.  Random, isn't it?

3) What’s your favorite sport to play?
Hmmm...I'm not really a sport playing person, since my exercise really involves speed walking and a little taebo on the side.  But T and I do 5ks all the time, so I guess speed walking would be it.  However, I used to play tennis, so if I had to pick a contact sport, that would be it, I guess.  However, it's been many many years since I've even picked up a racket.

4) What’s your favorite sport to watch, and who’s your favorite team?
Well, I'm a Hoosier, so naturally, my favorite sport is basketball, and of course, my favorite team to watch is the Indiana Hoosiers!  But, I'm also a football fan, too.  In fact, I'm really wanting fall to get here because there is nothing I love better than having a nice afternoon inside, drinking a cold one and watching a football game.  (Yes, I know, I'm a guy, right?)  For football, I'd have to go for the Indianapolis Colts and show some home team support.  I'd say Indiana Hoosiers for football, too, but that would surely get a few laughs considering how wonderful our football team is...

5) If you could pick your perfect career (and money doesn’t matter/the kids are out of the house) what would it be?
Honestly, I'd be an author full time if I could work from home and write novels and free lance articles on the side.  I'm not sure how quickly I could get into that, and how much money I'd make but if money were no option, that is definitely what I'd do.  Don't get me wrong, I love the law, and I'm good at what I do.  But the pace of my career definitely is not ideal, and I think eventually I want something with a little more freedom and something that lets me expand my creativity just a bit.  Already working on it, too, with four chapters down in my book!

6) Do you ever feel guilty for blogging?
Sometimes.  It's a tough one...when I started this, I knew I had T's total support behind me.  However, writing something on a daily basis does take a chunk out of my time, and since we don't see each other too much during the day, I do feel guilty if I'm sitting next to him on the couch updating my blog or commenting on other's.  However, I know he loves that I'm doing this and supports me in getting back into writing.  I think it's just the guilt-ridden person inside of me who worries that I'm being a neglectful soon-to-be wife.  It's hard balancing everything at the current moment, though.

7) What is your favorite holiday?
I'm a big Christmas person.  I used to work at a Christmas/Seasonal store called Graham's Crackers here in Indy for about four summers and four Christmas vacations while I was in college, so I was surrounded by Christmas all the time.  I love decorating the house and getting it all cozy for winter, playing Christmas carols and drinking warm mulled wine on a cold winter's night.  That and I love buying Christmas presents for people, especially my nieces and nephews and picking out something I just know they're going to love and seeing them get all excited on Christmas morning.  I just love Christmas, what can I say?

8)  What’s your favorite kind of music?
I'm pretty versatile in the crap I listen to.  I wouldn't call myself a music snob by any stretch.  Actually, most of my CDs are mixed CDs made up of pop songs and stupid 80s songs I find on iTunes.  T is more of the music connoisseur of the two of us, but if I had to pick, I would pick 90s pop music as my favorite.  Anything I can dance to in the car and look like an idiot.

9) Do you consider yourself a good driver or bad driver?
OK, here's the thing...driving, I'm great at.  Parking...um, not so much.  I drive daily back and forth in rush hour traffic through downtown Indy, so I am pretty good at holding my own on the open road.  However, I have a small depth perception problem, and that does not go too well with parking.  Let's just say I've hit my fair share of inanimate objects and non moving cars.  I won't give numbers, but you get to it by counting on two hands.  (Don't judge!!!)

10) What’s the farthest away place you have visited?
After this upcoming September, it'll be Ireland...but until then, the farthest I've ever traveled (from where I live in Indiana) is Phoenix, AZ, or Las Vegas, Nevada.    I've never been out of the country, but this will change in just two months!

OK, so now I'm supposed to tag those of you who are awesome commentors.  I appreciate any and all visitors to my little piece of the blogosphere, but these people specifically are terrific with their comments and keep coming back for more of my insanity.  Thanks so much you guys!
1.  Jen @ Sprite's Keeper
2.  Mrs. D @ Life of a Doctor's Wife
3.  Super Wife @ The Supers' Blog
4.  Sarah at @ Crazy Love Gamble Style
5.  VandyJ @ The Testosterone Three and Me
Check out their blogs and say hi!  And thanks so much for all of you reading my blog and for commenting like you do...I greatly appreciate it!


  1. Awww thanks!! I love learning a bit more about my favorite bloggers!

    I would pick the same career as you - I mean, I already am a freelancer, but I'd love to write novels too. Unfortunately, they don't go hand in hand for me... My brain isn't strong enough to switch back and forth between the types of writing. ;-)

  2. Aw! You got me!
    I blog because I can't afford therapy. :-)

  3. Congrats on the award!

    I love it when people do the "random question" meme thingie because it's really fun to learn stuff about the people behind the blogs I read. That's AWESOME that you've written 4 chapters! Follow that dream!

  4. Thanks for the tag! I blog for sanity--it's nice to know that there are other people who feel and think the way I do. It helps since IRL friends are hard to make (for me).

  5. I would be an author too... in a heart beat! Let's figure out how to do that! :)

  6. I loved your answers! Thanks so much for being a good sport and playing along.

  7. I love this post! You are so willing to tell your alls to the world and you are a great writer! I may have to steal these questions for a future post.
    New follower and BF newbie!

    Peaceful wishes,

  8. Thank you for tagging me! I will totally be answering these on my blog. I've been missing for a few weeks but I am back in full force! ;)

    ps. I've been reading YOUR BLOG daily. Cant stay away!
    -Jen (from oursuperlife)


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