Thursday, August 26, 2010

An expensive excursion

“The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.” ― Erma Bombeck

This is a problem of mine. Whenever I have to go grocery shopping or need to make a run to Target, I’ll walk into that store, list in hand, but I’ll walk out with about 20 different things on top of the items I already needed. God help me if I walk in there without a list…

Last night, while T was at his guitar lesson, I decided to do a little excursion to Target. I knew in my head what I needed, but at the same time, I didn’t write a list. Epic mistake.

My problem is that the Target we have is a Super Target. Not only do you have clothes, cute jewelry, office supplies, etc., we also have grocery items. So I walked in there yesterday, no list in hand, a vague idea of what I needed and 45 minutes to waste. Bad combination, folks.

So I started my shopping excursion yesterday with a trip to the card aisle.  We needed to get a thank you card for both of our parents and for the priest for the wedding, as well as a handful of anniversary and wedding cards.  I'm a sucker for sending out a good greeting card.  I should take up stock in Hallmark with how many cards I purchase in any given year.  So I find my cards, believe it or not all of them, with success and head off, making my rounds in each area.  I pass by my first clearance area - "Oh look!  These candles are marked down for just $2.14!  That's a steal!  I mean, I do need a good Saturday Steal this week, don't I?"  I fight off temptation and put the candle back and head towards the toiletries area.   I purposefully avoid the school supply area just so I don't tempt myself with any new journal I find on clearance or pens.  I simply don't need that kind of temptation. 

So I make it to the toiletries area, and I buy the items I know that I know, shampoo, deodorant, female "stuff," but as I'm turning out of the area and towards the groceries I see it - the travel section.  Hey, we're going to Ireland in 3 weeks, so let's just see what cute little travel things they have.  I mean, come on, the last thing I want to do is get caught without something I so desperately need while we're gone.  It's not like they have stores there anyway, right?  (As if I'm going to some third world country in the middle of nowhere)  I stand there awhile, examining my options, and I walk away with a travel size lint roller, in case I have a major lint emergency while overseas, travel container of Q-tips and travel Kleenex.  It's just $3, so what could it hurt, right?  As I'm leaving this section, I quickly spy hand soap, and since T goes through this stuff like it's running out of style, I quickly grab one and throw that in the cart, too. 

Heading to the grocery area, I know I need a few things - salad, salad dressing, so I get those first.  I see I have about fifteen more minutes to waste, so I decide to just browse until T is done with his lessons.  "Oh, I know!  I'll surprise with some nice steaks to grill this weekend."  So I saunter over there and pick out a few items to have for dinner this weekend.  Target meat is definitely not cheap, but it is sooo much better.  I feel pretty secure in my thought that T will be extra surprised with this little treat.  Walking past the meat aisle, I then decide to grab creamer for my coffee, milk and cheese for T.  Do we need any of these items?  Probably not, but what if we go low on them, and we're stuck without milk, creamer or cheese?

Now, knowing we'll be having steak for dinner sometime soon, I decide to grab a bottle of red wine before I head to the checkout.   I pick Barefoot because it's pretty cheap and just really good.  My cart now full, and it's about time to go so I beeline it to the checkout.  On my way there, I see that they have cereal on sale, and what do you know?  My favorite cereal is one of them!  I'll just grab a box for's just $2.50, after all. 

By the time I reach the checkout, I've already added about three other items to my cart.  Things we could use definitely, and it won't go to waste, but are they necessary?  Probably not.  By the time the lady is done checking my items out I've quickly realized that my short little shopping excursion has cost me way more than I bargained for.  I won't say how much, but suffice it to say, I felt kind of bad as I left the store. 

I swear, the marketing people at Target must have made some sort of pact with the devil.  That place is dangerous...


  1. Target, Kmart, Walmart, they are all about the same with the adding to what you intend to get. I'm always thrilled whan I can leave for less than $50 and still have gotten what I need (and not too much of what I don't).
    And the list is necessary. I don't go grocery shopping without a list. If I do, I forget what we need and get lots of other stuff because oh, it's on sale and yum that looks good.

  2. Target is my crack.... It's my weakness. I love.adore.worship being there. I try to limit myself but it's so hard!!

    The other place I always spend entirely too much is Fresh Market. I start thinking I'm a culinary genius who is mysteriously going to able to do fusion sauces, etc.

  3. I'm not allowed in Target.It's a self-sacrifice, but my bank account thanks me.

  4. That happens to me here too!!
    For example, last weekend: I had planned to spend ONLY €20 (or €30 max.) but when I finished my shopping, I had to say goodbye to €80!!! I felt so guilty!! My temptation: school supply. I bought a ruler, felt-tip pens (LOTS OF THEM), pink office paper (why? I don't know, but it was cute!)...
    So now you're coming to Europe: don't go to Tesco, Carrefour or something like that. Never. It's a warning.

  5. I totally agree...I had to go to Target today on my lunch...I always joke that I am thankful that I only have a 1/2 hour lunch...because me kiddless in Target is just not a good thing!! At least I have now discovered their coupons, so I can impress the husband with how much I saved, {with my thumb over the total} lol
    Great to meet you - dropping in from Blog frog

  6. Oh Target, oh how I love you! I feel for you Nain but this is the way it is supposed to be...


    I have never been in a Super Target, oh the possibilities!

  7. I hear ya! I {heart} Target!!!!

  8. I did this just today! And Target gets me every time!

  9. I'm the same way in almost every store! Especially Target. I cannot go shopping hungry otherwise I get way too much, and it's usually mostly candy.

    The dollar store is another store that I get lost in. I mean, everything is a dollar... It's when I get to the checkout with 50 things that I realize how carried away I got.

  10. My husband cured me of this particular ailment. He gets quite sullen if you deviate one iota from THE I humor him :)

  11. I'm like that too and heaven forbid I go to the grocery store before I've eaten! I always get way more than we need. I think I'm the only one that can go to the dollar store for one item and spend almost 50 bucks! Okay, well maybe not 50 but last week I swear I went in for TWO items and spent almost $30... that's almost 30 items when I only went in for 2!


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