Friday, August 13, 2010

Racing Against Domestic Violence

Tomorrow morning, T and I will be getting up bright and early and heading out in the heat and humidity to race against domestic violence.   We will be running/walking (T will be running, I will be walking) in a 5k race on the campus of Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis in downtown Indianapolis that annually is held to raise money to support awareness against domestic violence.   Despite the early time and the muggy conditions, I couldn't be happier to participate in this race. 
This cause is one that is very close to my heart for several reasons.  Without going into details, I will just suffice it to say I that several people who are close to my heart have been affected by domestic abuse, both physical and emotional abuse.  Further, as an attorney for the Department of Child Services, I run into this issue on a daily basis.  In my cases I see a series of different types of neglect and abuse - child born testing positive for drugs, parents addicted to drugs, deplorable living conditions, etc.  But the ones that really touch me and affect me are the ones involving domestic violence and sexual abuse.  These are the cases that I have a truly difficult time not bringing home with me, the ones where it breaks my heart to hear about these women and children involved in such horrific situations.  It breaks my heart even more when the women don't recognize the abusive relationship until it is too late.  While there are many who are fully aware of the issue of domestic abuse, there are many still out there who don't recognize the signs, don't know their options, and don't comprehend the consequences of staying in these toxic relationships.  So it means a lot to me to take part in a public event that outwardly opposes such a tragic issue.  I only wish I could do more.  
A fellow blogger friend of mine, Suzie, has dedicated her blog towards educating others about domestic violence.  She appropriately titles her blog "I Married a Moron and Survived."  Calling these perpetrators "morons," in my mind is quite an appropriate description but also one that is much nicer than it could be in describing perpetrators of such violence.  I encourage you to visit her blog and read her story as well.  It's an inspiration to all who have been touch by domestic abuse, and I fully support her in her quest to educate everyone about these "morons" and inform everyone about what options and resources are out there for the victims.  
So tomorrow morning,   as I drag my tired self out of bed, get dressed in my workout gear and head out in the August heat with T, I will be thinking all of those friends and family I love who have been scarred by domestic violence and I will be walking for them and for all of those unnamed victims out there who don't have a voice.  To me, it's truly an honor and the least that I can do.


  1. Good luck with the nasty weather conditions. Such a great cause - you rock!

  2. Wow, in this heat and humidity....stay hydrated and good luck! With a cause like that, it should be enough to keep you motivated=)

  3. I'm already a fan of "I married a moron and survived". You are involved in an extremely worthwhile campaign ... thanks for doing your part to help bring awareness to the nightmare of domestic violence!
    I'm here from BlogFrog/Blog Hop:

  4. I have family members that have gone through some rough stuff, so keep up the good work, it's a great cause!

  5. What a wonderful cause to race for. Drink plenty of water and have fun.

    By the way, I like the new blog look.

  6. This is a really wonderful thing you're doing! Not just because you're raising awareness, but also because you're raising support and doing something good for your health as well!

  7. That is wonderful that you're doing that. It makes me want to run in a 5k (and I do not run. Ever) I think I'm going to have to look for one in my area, and walk it :-)

    You're awesome. Drink lots of water!

  8. Great thing you are doing. My DH has a background in law enforcement/CPS, and the cruelty in the world is heartbreaking.

  9. You're awesome for doing this. Hearing stories of domestic violence, or maybe even going though it yourself, really puts things in perspective. It's like, "Hmm, maybe the fact that he leaves his socks strewn around the house really isn't such a terrible thing."

    It's so important for women to support each other, and you are doing JUST THAT! :)

  10. Such a great cause - good for you!

  11. So many people do nothing but ask what they can do to change things....and shrug their shoulders. Congrats on taking action!

  12. I just found your blog through BlogFrog (such a sweet site!). You are doing an AMAZING thing by walking/running tomorrow. Wish I could join you!! :)

  13. Such a worthy cause. Here's to a successful event. My parents were foster parents for 14 years and we saw over 25 children through our home (and adopted three). Many of these children saw so much neglect, emotional and physical abuse it brought tears to our eyes many, many times. Each and every child touched our lives in one way or another and I hold you in high regard for working on their behalf. Especially as my husband and I adopted our oldest via DCF and she is a beautiful, intelligent little girl who deserved a better lot in life than what she was handed!

  14. I have been away, and came back to this super cool shout out and great thing you are doing!!! And you have totally revamped :) Hope you had a great day, and you should be very proud...a worthy cause for sure, Cheers!!


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